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The Fae Encyclopedia
(For Curious Humans)

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The dominant human power in the Americas. Full name, the Eastern United States of America, but that's a mouthful, so most people go with Eastusa. The other side of the country (assuming it still exists) is called Westusa.

Eastusa is an alliance of walled cities and coastal territories all up and down the eastern side of the continent, from the Gulf of Mexico up to Newfoundland. They're vehemently anti-Fae, so needless to say, a witch is not welcome. Hide your hats and broomsticks before entering. Sometimes you can smuggle spellbook pages in, but in the larger cities like New York and Philadelphia, you're more likely to be given full body strip searches just to get in the door. Rely on some of the underground smugglers instead, if you simply have to enter those places.

Frankly, I avoid Eastusa like the plague. I grew up in the country, and I prefer it on the Fringe compared to the big cities. The bigotry against the Fae is just staggering, and I never feel like I fit in there as a result, even if I don't have pointy ears. Recommend you avoid at all costs.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Avoid? Recommend you GO there at all costs! The cities are where human culture thrives. I've visited New York on several occasions; it just takes a simple glamour spell to get an elf to pass as a human. I've had New York Pizza, I've watched Freedom Parades, I even visited the Statue of Liberty.

I think that sometime, sometime soon, America's going to stand for what it stood for, rather than what it is. It should be a land of opportunity. A place of equality. Everybody gets a vote, everybody gets a chance, and if you can make it there you can make it anywhere. We just need to get past this divide between our peoples, first. The day is coming. Be patient.

BTW, the first company willing to run Internet out to the Faerie Court controlled lands so I don't have to piggyback off a weak wireless signal gets a pouch of gold. I'm serious. Gold, one pouch of, all for you. We've got pointy-ears out here who are itching to get in those chatrooms! Make it happen!

copyright 2009 stefan gagne