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(For Curious Humans)

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Elves are not quite what you'd expect.

Earth legends of the Elven people describe them as impossibly beautiful superhuman ninjas. I'm sure my friend who actually wants to post these silly notebooks of mine to the Internet would love to spread THAT particular image around, to make himself look good, but let's be honest -- Elves are just people. You could consider them to be humans with pointy ears and you wouldn't be too far off the mark (except they typically live to be 150 years old). They have no innate power, no innate abilities beyond what a human would be capable of.

They're the middle class of the Summer Court, the general population between the smallies like pixies and unorganized wild ones like ogres, and the higher nobles. As a result they tend to be caught up in the middle of all sorts of messes -- their settlements wiped out by aggressive human expansion, or their people caught up and practically enslaved by contracts with Summer nobles, villages trampled flat by rampaging ogres, etc. The elves generally have a lousy time of it.

In a way, I think that's why I like them so much. They're ordinary people with ordinary problems. They can relate to me and I can relate to them. If you want an in-road to Fae culture, the elves are a good place to start; although they can be distrusting of humans, the younger ones are more open minded, and might be willing to introduce you around.

Although I call them ordinary, make no mistake, they can be just as dangerous as humans when provoked. Some of them specialize in the arts of ancient war, blades and archery -- but they do occasionally have spellcasters, elves who have learned magics and use them to defend their communities. Humans have the Frontliners; elves have their spellcasters. Someone's got to take up arms in a world this hostile.

EDITOR'S NOTE: These are my boys, dog! Elves represent! And Emily's on the monies here. We are kicked around from all sides of the Summer Court, used as pawns in their little games. It's one of the reasons why I look towards humans so much; there's got to be a strength there that we may be able to use to, I don't know, establish elven independence? Assuming we even CAN, given unlike your President, we don't elect Lady Summer. She who wears the Crown of Flame simply is our leader, and will always be. I dunno. I'm just rambling, now. ELVES RULE!

PS, elves are sexy.

PPS, we are superhuman ninjas. I can kill you from across a room just by looking at you. But I won't, because I'm just that awesome.

PPPS, check out the recently added article about Florida.

copyright 2009 stefan gagne