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The Fae Encyclopedia
(For Curious Humans)

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Fringe, The
Land of Faerie
Pandora Event
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Pandora Event

It changed the world forever. In a flash, the Faerie Court had been relocated from the Land of Faerie to Earth. And then the chaos started.

Most records from the chaos after the Pandora Event were lost. It was overnight war, one side attacking the other often out of sheer confusion. The Faeries were seeded throughout the country, as far as we know, and instead of some kind of external invading force they had appeared distributed throughout the lands of man... they were everywhere, among us, strange and alien and therefore threatening.

It took some time before the world settled into the shape it's in now. I honestly don't know much about how other countries dealt with the Pandora Event since I was born about two centuries after it hit the fan, and nowadays global communications are dead as a doornail. The satellites went offline during the event -- underwater lines were probably chewed to bits by the kraken. The Internet may still be up elsewhere in the world, but the pocket of it that you're reading this website on is just as isolated as the rest of the nation..

In America, at least, things settled out with the Faerie occupying the middle of the country, and man's government focusing on Eastusa and allegedly-still-existing Westusa.

What caused the Pandora Event? Some Faerie spell gone wrong? Some secret government R&D lab's pet project? A previously unknown freak natural occurrence? We might never know. It was over and done with in an instant, no time to apply any scientific study, and people were too busy trying to survive the event to really focus on why it had happened. Maybe the answers lie elsewhere in the world... but nobody's willing to brave international waters anymore to go out playing explorer.

If I had to speculate, though, I don't think this was any intentional effect. The Faerie sure as hell didn't want to come to our world, and we didn't want to bring them here. If either of them are to blame, it wasn't purposeful. No good came of it.

Still, this is the world we're in now. We need to be making the best of it. Things are arguably peaceful outside of the Fringe, but could be better, if only the two 'sides' hadn't gotten off on the wrong foot.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I was born in America. I consider myself Faerie-American. But to hear some of our elders speak of the Pandora Event, it's like reading human records... "They invaded us!" The popular opinion is that your world intruded on the Land of Faerie, replacing the dreamscape with this harsh and solid world.

Honestly, I don't know, I don't care. The Pandora Event is the past, people! Live in the now! The world is what you make of it.

copyright 2009 stefan gagne