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Penultima your way. Penultima with the brakes off. Penultima Unlimited...

While the 1st and 2nd campagin modules can be played online and are mucho fun, there's nothing quite like a module designed from the ground up to be run by a Game Master. That's where the Unlimited series comes in -- modules with heavy emphasis on GM roleplaying and control over the flow of events. (These modules cannot be played single player.)

The series is being developed during what little spare time I have, and will be tested extensively on Neverwinter Connections before being posted here. Check the NWC schedule from time to time; I typically host on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays or Saturdays.

The Unlimited series will include...

Pest Control

The Pest Control you know and love, taken to the next level. Monsters spawn properly and scale to challenge the players. All NPCs are GM-posessable and roleplayable. Can be substituted in place of the normal version of Pest Control in a campaign.

A Hard Day's Knight

Did you hear the news? It's huge! It's exciting! Yes, it's the popular touring bard group 'Link-404,' and it's in town for a big fancy outdoor concert festival at Stout Village!

But alas, you aren't here for the music, you're here to act as the backstage security goons. The Guild of Middlemen arranged the work for you between bouts of whacking goblins and hunting down arcane treasures. You know, a little soft work to fill the gaps in your schedule. It helps pay the bills and your Get Me A +3 Glowing Longsword of Acid Damage Fund.

Normally this 'soft work' would mean sitting on your duff eating doughnuts and drinking coffee all night. Unfortunately for you it's not going to be that easy...

X Spots the Marks High seas adventure, with buried treasure, pirates, and the obligatory Lucasarts references. Better description pending.

Neverwinter Nights
copyright 2002, Bioware
Penultima story & characters
copyright 2002, Stefan Gagne

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