SAILOR NOTHING Ch. 7 Walkthrough FAQ Copyright 2001 Stefan Gagne (controls go here) The following is a walkthrough of Sailor Nothing, Chapter 7. If your browser does not support Javascript or if you want a printer friendly copy of the game text, read on. Spoilers beware! [A series of low-res title cards read...] War, and games. War Games. When a war is a game, the players control their little virtual pawns without fear, without genuine risk. Nobody asks the soldiers how they feel. After all, they don't matter, they're small and unreal and far away. Push a button and they die. You win the war or lose the game. Why think any farther than that? Now imagine that war is not a game. Death and sandess reign as king. Life is lost and squandered in battle. But if your only vantage point is high above and far away, on your TV, small soldiers marching to 2-D deaths, will it still feel like a game to you? Game start. [SCENE EXT. YAMI-GAIA. A red moon obscured by clouds. The city skyline is dim and barely visible, but the lumpy, organic shape of the colorful palace is seen rising above it.] NARR.: This is the Yami-gaia. Two parts, one whole. The decaying, foul shadow of Tokyo that crumbles in the silent darkness. The crystal colors of the Dark Queen's Palace, twenty four hour pleasure dome and torture center. One contrasts nastily against the other on the skyline. The inhabitants of one ignore the existence of the other; out of jealousy or out of disgust. COBALT: [offscreen] God, I hate it here. [SCENE INT. COBALT'S OFFICE. A makeshift shanty room with second hand furniture and papers strewn across the desk. COBALT is here, along with OHTA.] OHTA: Sir? Did you say something? COBALT: Eehh. Nothing important. [Cobalt turns to face Ohta, and discuss matters.] COBALT: Listen, I'm going upstairs for awhile. I may have the perfect subject for the next Super Yamiko. Will the camp do fine without me for a full day? OHTA: We.. should be okay, sir. Generator two has been running fine, and everybody's hard at work with the restoration... COBALT: So we're golden. Good. Now, why the awkward pause before 'should be', and why not use the word 'will be'? OHTA: ...there are some rumblings, sir. You remember Kenichi's request? I've been asked to pass a few others on to you from the workers-- [KENICHI in a white lab coat bursts in, looking annoyed.] KENICHI: There you are! Christ, Cobalt, you've been out of the office more than.. than... listen, I need to talk to you. I need to talk to you NOW. COBALT: Is this about going back to earth, Ken? KENICHI: Y-- COBALT: Then you don't need to talk to me now. We discussed this. The answer is no. [Kenichi stomps up to Cobalt, as Ohta gets out of the way.] KENICHI: Goddammit, Cobalt, I NEED -- TO -- GO -- TO -- EARTH! If not today, SOON! You don't know what this feels like, inside me-- COBALT: We discussed that too. I know what it feels like. Ohta here knows what it feels like. Don't you, Ohta? OHTA: Yes, sir. I sometimes get impulses to go fetch my daughter, but out of respect to my other self I'm leaving her at home where she's happy. [Kenichi turns to yell at Ohta; Ohta backs up into the sofa.] KENICHI: Stay out of this, you lapdog. You're the biggest brownnoser of them all! What do you do, give Cobalt handjobs for-- [Cobalt steps between the two, as Ohta slinks off.] COBALT: Ohta has some self control. Unlike you. THAT is why he's my second in command and you are not going to Earth. Stupid young Yamiko... I swear, you're all the same at this state of your spawning. Immature. Uncontrollable. Get your head on straight, Kenichi. The future of the Yami-gaia is not being carved out for animals. I'm preparing for a better tomorrow for all you pathetic little boogeymen in the name of my Queen. You're a skilled engineer, Kenichi, but the way I see it... you're either going to work with me, or you're going to be a thin red smear across my office floor. KENICHI:'re too weak to do that, Cobalt. Everybody knows you don't have the full strength of a Dark General. COBALT: Won't it be entertaining to find out? KENICHI: ... [Cobalt turns his back on Kenichi.] COBALT: Now get back to work and don't bother me with this again. I have more important things to do than give you an E-Ticket to recreate the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. KENCIHI: ...fine. [Kenichi exits.] COBALT: Christ, it's like juggling cats. OHTA: Sir? COBALT: Ohta... I'm going out. I've got a visit to make to the palace, and then I'm off to Earth. Handle things. Just.. handle it. I don't know how much longer I can put up with this kind of crap from my so-called allies. No offense to you, of course. OHTA: None taken. [SCENE INT. DARK QUEEN'S THRONE ROOM. A candy colored swirl of crystal stones and gothic styles. The DARK QUEEN, in purple robes, sits on a golden throne linked by shadows to a chamber behind her. At her side is ARGON, and nearby are NEON and XENON.] NEON: He is late. XENON: He is late. ARGON: Patience. He's a busy little bee, our Cobalt. He was summoned; he will come as soon as he can... [Xenon and Neon step in closer to talk about this.] NEON: I am not happy with this situation. He had better have an explanation for his actions. XENON: I agree. I don't want my trips to Earth to pick new toys to be hampered by his zealot's attitude... ARGON: He's young, and has much to learn. He's full of new ideas and has no concept of our glorious legacy and tradition. My friends, have patience. He will see our way of thinking in the long run... [Candles on a magical circle flare, as Cobalt appears in the center. All eyes turn to him.] COBALT: You summoned me, my queen? I apologize for my delay; I had some affairs to attend to in the process of fufilling your task-- ARGON: Actually, the Generals and I asked for her permission to summon you, Cobalt. Sorry to disappoint your sense of worth, but it's we who wish to speak with you, not her. COBALT: ...ah. Well, fine, I'm here. Speak. ARGON: I'm afraid I blabbed about your cute little 'Super Yamiko' inventions. Neon and Xenon are.. distressed. The Queen has a few reservations herself, as well. NEON: They are dangerous. Freshly spawned and confused, and unable to determine friend from foe. XENON: They are beastly animals. COBALT: Duh. That's the idea: snarling, nasty little bastards designed to cause chaos and terror and slaughter Sailors. What's the problem? Yamiko are animals, anyway. You should feel at home with them. [Xenon steps forward, his eyes glowing red.] XENON: Hold your tongue, boy! How dare you insult our proud race? In front of your QUEEN, no less!? COBALT: ...I apologize. I take my words back. XENON: You certainly will-- COBALT: All Yamiko save for our queen are filthy animals. XENON: --you arrogant LITTLE--! [A red aura surrounds the Dark Queen. All the generals turn to listen to her words.] DARK QUEEN: ..... . .. ..... . . ........ . . ... .. . ...... . ARGON: ...the Queen acknowledges your praise, and commends you for your insight. COBALT: Th-thank you, my Queen... DARK QUEEN: .. .......... . . ............. . ................. . . ....... . ............ . . .............. ...... ....... ARGON: Ah... the Queen, however, has the same concerns we do, and must address them. The Super Yamiko are dangerous. She cares not for human life, but what if they return to the Yami-gaia on instinct? XENON: Precisely! They could run wild and do damage to our beautiful palace. Not that we generals would be harmed by such simple beasts... although you could be vulnerable, little Cobalt. COBALT: I thought of that already, of course. I've developed a contact powder that will block the ability to shift between the two worlds for up to an hour. I figure in that time, either my monsters will have skinned a few Sailors alive or been annihilated. Maybe it'll come back after that, but as you said, YOU guys don't have to worry. ARGON: Mmm... sharp thinking. If questionable... NEON: What of our other concern? Monsters -- TRUE physically deformed monsters -- running wild on Earth could make the humans more aware of our shadow realm. Your actions are rash, Cobalt. COBALT: I'm sure our Queen would rather have a few dead Sailors and some bad press than living Sailors and the usual silence. It's an adequate tradeoff, yes? [The Queen glows again, and mumbles her reply.] DARK QUEEN: ............ . .. ..... . ......... . ............. ... ARGON: ...she says you presume too much. If you cause us inconvenience, you will be destroyed. COBALT: ... XENON: You need to know your place, Cobalt. Enjoy your little experiment, risky as it is. But don't you dare to think you are above us. COBALT: ...are we done now? NEON: That should be all. COBALT: Good. ...while I'm here, my Queen, perhaps you'd like a status report on my project-- DARK QUEEN: .. ARGON: She isn't interested. COBALT: ...fine. I take my leave. XENON: Please do. [SCENE INT. HALLWAY IN PALACE. A glow-ball on a pillar lights the room, but there's enough ambient light to see the colored walls. Two cells are nearby, one with a little girl lying down, the other with the decaying corpse of a man whose blood is leaking out into the hall. Cobalt ignores them as he's mumbling to himself alone.] COBALT: ...not interested. It's only the entire reason she made me a Dark General and she's not interested. Maybe I didn't report in enough. Maybe she forgot? No, that's stupid. But it doesn't make sense. Unless she's downplaying it in front of the others... the bastards. ... [Argon enters, approaching Cobalt.] ARGON: ...Cobalt, wait. I will have a word with you. COBALT: No time. I have a job to do. I-- ARGON: You have no concept of the danger you are in right now, do you? [Cobalt turns to face Argon as the older general catches up.] COBALT: If you mean the Super Yamiko, you and your little buddies can relax. They are not going to be a problem for any of us. The next one I'm making might very well take out the Sailors in-- ARGON: I don't mean your new pets. I mean the others. Did you hear the Queen's words or not, young man? COBALT: ...I heard them. ARGON: You know she has a ban on infighting... but she herself can act as she wishes, or order the others to act. And that means you are no longer protected by the uneasy truce. You are annoying her. You are certainly annoying the other generals. That's unwise. [Cobalt shrugs and turns.] COBALT: In other words, blah blah, know your role, stay in line, same old same old. I've heard this speech before. Give it a rest, Argon. ...maybe the queen woke up on the wrong side of the throne this morning, but I still have a job to do here. ARGON: You are being far too clever for your own good, Cobalt. Super Yamiko... techniques to block shifting between the worlds... these things are too questionable. COBALT: Bitch all you want, I'm still-- ARGON: Cobalt, I am... TRYING... to be nice to you. The least you could do is pay attention to my words without your typical flippant dismissals! COBALT: ... [Cobalt steps up to face Argon again.] COBALT: Did I hear what I think I heard? You're trying to be NICE to me? A critter of absolute evil and nastiness is attempting to be kind? You hate my guts, Argon. Get serious. ARGON: You are rude. You have no care for tradition, you ignore warnings, you're pigheaded and stubborn... you annoy me. But I do not... yes, this is hard for me... I do NOT hate you. Why do you think I keep trying to convince you to fall in line? To uphold our traditions, to embrace your true nature? I am trying to SAVE you, Cobalt. You have potential. I have not seen such a level headed Dark General since... since myself, I suppose. Not even the vagrant counts. You could have such a promising future-- COBALT: If I uphold the company mission statement, you mean. ARGON: And if you do not, and you continue to be the nail that sticks out, you will be hammered. All your potential: gone. THAT is what frustrated me to no end, young man. It's not hatred. It's frustration. Do you see now why I keep visiting you in your dank pit of an office, why I take such an interest? COBALT: ...I thought you were just amused by my silly obsession with my work. You constantly mock me. You pour bile over my head on damn near a daily basis, you bastard... ARGON: I do it for your own good. Just as you try to point out my failings and redundancies, I point out your blind spots. You are truly blind to certain realities, Cobalt. COBALT: ...answer me one thing. ARGON: By all means. COBALT: Do you respect me? [Argon glances aside.] ARGON: ... COBALT: Well? ARGON: ...yes. As flawed as you are, as flawed as all of us are, I have respect for you. ...I would be completely ignoring you and your flights of fancy if I did not have respect. [He turns back to look at Cobalt in seriousness.] ARGON: But know this: the others have no respect for you. They see a foolish, arrogant brat. Even now they are devising ways to eliminate you the moment the Queen grants them free reign. [Cobalt is the one that turns aside now.] COBALT: Don't worry, Argon. They'll respect me. I'll MAKE them respect me. When I bring them the Sailors, toss the bitches to those bastards to rip apart any way they want, I'll be free. I'll finish my Queen's task and then they WILL respect me. When I was human, it was like god existed just to rain shit down on me every day of my life. Now that I'm a Yamiko, things have not improved a whole lot. But they will improve. I hate this place and I hate the Yamiko. But that's okay. I hated the world, too. I can change things. All I have to do is SUCCEED... ARGON: For your sake, I hope your ridiculous idealism isn't unfounded, young one. [SCENE EXT. CITY STREET. AKI and HIMEI are walking along to school in front of various stores and across various intersections.] HIMEI: "[Waiter, check please.]" AKI: No no, that's the last line. What's the next to last one? The one the waiter says to the customer? HIMEI: Um... it's... I think it's "[There will be anything else maim?]" Right? AKI: Uh.. I think so, yeah. I don't know how ready we are for this English test, Himei. I didn't get a chance to study either, I went to sle.. bed when I got home and totally forgot... HIMEI: We have to take things as they come. That's what Dusty told me. Even quizzes. AKI: Right, right. Dusty's a good person.. ah, cat. No, a good person. He's so smart when it comes to stuff like this... HIMEI: Yes. He is. AKI: ... [Aki stops walking.] AKI: Um.. Himei? About last night... [Himei turns to face her as they pause in front of an anime store.] HIMEI: Yes? AKI: Listen, when you... when you did, um... what you did... HIMEI: ...this isn't a very good place to talk about last night, Aki. AKI: I know, I know, but we'll be at school soon and then it's time for class and the quiz, and I want to talk about it before we get split up, you know, since I can't text you during, um... HIMEI: ...okay. What about last night? AKI: Okay. Well. You said, ah.. you did what you did a few times before. You didn't sound real worried about it, even though you tore apart... ah... [Aki nervously looks aside.] AKI: I'm not saying there's anything wrong with you, I mean, no, I'm not even implying that. I just wanted to know if, um... HIMEI: ...everything's fine. AKI: Right. HIMEI: No, not everything's fine. I lost control. I was worried I was going to turn into a monster. But Dusty told me he didn't think I was going to change. He told me to take things as they come. That's all we can do. ...I'm sorry if I scared you. I'm still Himei, I hope... [Aki turns back to face her friend, a bit panicked.] AKI: No no, I didn't mean it like that! I just mean... it was scary. You know? I didn't know what to think. I didn't know you could do that. Um. ...could that happen to me? HIMEI: I don't know. AKI: Oh, good. I-- what? [Himei resumes her walk. Aki tags along after her hurriedly as they cross at an intersection.] HIMEI: We don't know a whole lot about any of this. Dusty said it was all a bunch of unknowns. We don't know. So why worry about something we can't do anything about? That's just the way things are. We have to get to school and take that quiz. That we can worry about. AKI: ...but how can you handle that? We don't know what's going on! I mean.. there's Yamiko, and our fight, and what happened last night and what could happen to all of us and-- HIMEI: I handle it by not handling it. Because there's nothing I can do to change it. If something presents itself that I can do, then I can handle it. AKI: ...don't you get scared? HIMEI: Yes. AKI: You do? HIMEI: All the time. AKI: can you live like that? Never knowing anything, always fighting, always scared..? HIMEI: Because it's the only way I can live if I want to live. [Himei turns around, and confronts Aki; she backs up into a stop sign in surprise.] HIMEI: You're scared too, aren't you? AKI: Y.. yes. I am, Himei... HIMEI: Why did you get into this if you were afraid of it? Why did you become a Sailor? AKI: You.. you know that. I hated what I had become. I wanted to do something important, something that would make the world a better place-- HIMEI: You could always plant a tree. AKI: ...and I wanted to help you. You were in danger. I didn't want you getting hurt. HIMEI: ... AKI: Himei... you're my friend. You're my closest friend. Now closer than ever, and.. and I don't want you to be hurt. And I'm scared because we both could get hurt in this, and I'm in over my head... HIMEI: You want to protect me? AKI: Please don't be mad at me... HIMEI: ... [Himei looks away.] HIMEI: ...every day when I wake up, I have to stop myself from getting my dad's razor. AKI: ...huh? Why would y... ... HIMEI: I stop myself... because I want to live. Everything is unknown and scary, yes. I'm scared. But the price of holding out and hoping for a happy life is to be scared. For a long time, I was on the verge of giving up. But.. now that I have you as a friend, and my other new friends, I think that maybe it'll be okay. Eventually. I hope... [Himei turns back to face Aki.] HIMEI: I'm sorry that it has to be this way, but the price for you to be my friend and help me is to be scared too. You have to fight and be hurt and be scared. It's hard, but it's the only way. That's the way you picked. That's the way I was forced into. If you're scared, that's okay. That's how it should be. But you have to fight without worry to get what you want. All the worrying does is make you doubt if you can do it. If you doubt, you won't be able to do it and you'll go get the razor. Dusty taught me that. I want a normal life, so, I'm going to fight. Do you understand, Aki? AKI: ... HIMEI: ...Aki-chan? AKI: I understand. [Himei resumes walking towards school, with Aki walking along behind her.] HIMEI: Then let's go take that quiz. AKI: You're so strong, Himei... HIMEI: I'm only as strong as I have to be. Sometimes it's not enough. Sometimes... Aki, I don't want to talk about this anymore. What's the first line of the dialogue again? AKI: ..."[Smoking or non-smoking, ma'am?]" HIMEI: "[Smoking.]" [SCENE INT. JOURNALISM CLUB ROOM. A messy room of books and computers and empty soda cans. SHIN is at a computer, tapping away while KOTASHI is at a bookcase near the wall, reading a book. The clock reads 11:59am.] SHIN: Got one. I think., wait. Too stupid. [Kotashi glances up from his reading.] KOTASHI: What is it? SHIN: Some myth about a dragon, six scrolls, and an evil twin. Except it ends with some sort of fight in a restaurant involving three fiancees of a princess or something. KOTASHI: Flag it, I'll look it up tonight. SHIN: That's six myths flagged so far, man. Not one of them smacks of what we're looking for. Come on, your editorial highness, it's lunchtime. Call it quits for awhile. [Kotashi looks back to his book to resume reading as Shin walks over to him.] KOTASHI: Not yet, I'm not done with this book on shinto lore. SHIN: It's not like the book's gonna spontaneously combust when you're not looking, Guy Montag. KOTASHI: What happened to the relentless hunting of the Truth? SHIN: The Truth needs a sandwich. [Kotashi puts the book away, and leans against the bookshelf.] KOTASHI: We're close to this, Shin. Maybe not in this room, but there has to be some sort of written record of the first Yamiko. Some legend about their origin. We find that and maybe we can define a few unknowns here. That's the way you put it, right? SHIN: Yes, exactly. And I agree with you. We gotta investigate, dig deep, get at the heart of the matter. But I already missed breakfast this morning, I'm not skipping lunch. [Kotashi turns back to the shelf to select another book.] KOTASHI: Okay, you're right. Go get me.. some bread and soup from the lunchroom and bring it back. I'll keep looking. You need any cash to cover it? SHIN: ...I suppose as my editor and thus all-powerful commandant who rules from on high, you can order your serving wench to obtain foodstuffs for you. But I can always spit in the soup before serving. KOTASHI: I can always cancel your column. SHIN: I haven't written a column since this whole Sailor business began. KOTASHI: ...I know. [Shin stands right next to Kotashi, causing him to step away in surprise.] KOTASHI: ...hey, you're invading my personal space. SHIN: That's my calling. And this is the bit where you explain what's on your mind before I screw open your head and see so for myself. Although I mean that in the playful sort of way, my hated enemy. KOTASHI: Sheesh... SHIN: Spill it, commandant. KOTASHI: You said it yourself, okay? We need to find out more about the Yamiko. About the Sailors and the Yami-gaia and all that. It's the only way to end it. Otherwise, it'll just go on and on like it had been under Mangificent Kamen. A stalemate. If we can find the origin-- SHIN: I don't need my words quoted back at me, I have a photographic memory. KOTASHI: How do you take pictures of sound? SHIN: DAMMIT, Kotashi, enough witty banter! What's got you so fired up about this? KOTASHI: Hey, you're the one who keeps tossing the witty-- SHIN: Tell me the Truth or I'm leaving to eat by myself. [Kotashi winces and looks away.] KOTASHI: ... I don't see why I need a reason beyond that. SHIN: It's a good reason, yes. But it's not the whole reason. I read you like two inches of newsprint, Kotashi. SHIN: You're worried your star reporter is gonna get some bumps and bruises out there on the frontlines, yes? KOTASHI: Of course. SHIN: You know there's nothing that's going to change that, yes? This is something I chose to do. Me. I'm putting myself at risk for a good cause. KOTASHI: ...I know. And I agree with you, this is a good cause. SHIN: This is what I do. When a war starts, the first ones to the battlefield are the infantry, tanks, and the journalists. When Baghdad got flattened, Wolf Blitzer was THERE. The voice telling the people what was going on. That's what I want. I want to be the one who's not afraid to Cover The Story. KOTASHI: I know! SHIN: Then it seems pretty clear to me, Mr. Editor Sir. This is the way things are, this is what I want. You just gotta accept that, even if it means risking your top superstar reporter. KOTASHI: I'm more worried I'm going to lose someone I really care about. SHIN: ... KOTASHI: ... SHIN: ...ah. Um. Well, then. KOTASHI: Yeah. SHIN: Kotashi-- [A loud THUMP is heard.] KOTASHI: What the--? [The door is nudged open, and SEIKI enters, hobbling along on a wooden crutch. His left foot is in a cast.] KOTASHI: ...Seiki? SEIKI: I think I might've dented your door, Kotashi, sorry. I'm still learning how to do the three legged walk here-- [Shin brushes past both Kotashi and Seiki en route to a speedy exit through the now opened door.] SHIN: --I'm gonna go get lunch and I'll see you later Kotashi bye. SEIKI: Whoa, careful! KOTASHI: Shin-- [The door shuts behind her. Puzzled, Seiki turns to Kotashi.] SEIKI: ...what was that about? KOTASHI:'s not important, I guess. SEIKI: You look like someone ran over your puppy, man. KOTASHI: How's the leg? SEIKI: Oh.. doc said it's a fracture. I guess I was too optimistic... I'm gonna be out all season. I hope the coach doesn't get too mad at me. sure you're okay, Kotashi? Is something wrong with you and...? KOTASHI: *sigh* I hope not. Look... I've got some research to do, Seiki. I'd love to talk, you know, but... SEIKI: It's cool. Hey, do you know where Himei is? KOTASHI: Himei? SEIKI: Yeah. I'm guessing she's by her usual tree, but I figured I'd stop in here first and say hi... thanks for helping last night. I have to thank her for staying, too. KOTASHI: Staying..? SEIKI: She turned on the TV for me. KOTASHI: ...damn. Seiki, sorry, in all the chaos I sort of forgot... SEIKI: It's okay, it's okay. You were there for me, I'm thankful. I better go find her, though. Um..... KOTASHI: I'm getting used to that kind of 'um...'. What is it? SEIKI: No no, you've got work to do. KOTASHI: I already played that game once today and lost. Fess up. SEIKI: I was just wondering... look, this'll sound silly, but is Himei... you know... KOTASHI: She's just a little shy, Seiki, we went over this. SEIKI: I know. I mean, is she seeing anyone? [Seiki nervously studies a nearby rack of books as Kotashi stares.] KOTASHI: ... SEIKI: What? KOTASHI: I guess I lost the betting pool on whether you were gay or not. SEIKI: ......there was a betting pool? KOTASHI: I'm kidding! But Seiki, this is like the first time I've seen you take an interest in a girl. I mean, other than the concept of girls in general. SEIKI: Yeah, well... I mean, girls are always asking me out, you know that, and I hate to turn them down but... um... well, I mean... I'm not saying anything here, I'm just saying I'd like to talk to her. Nothing serious. It's not a big deal... KOTASHI: Good lord, you're blushing. SEIKI: Cut it out! I am not. KOTASHI: What's with the sudden interest? You barely know her. SEIKI: I know, I know! [Seiki pivots on his crutch to face Kotashi again.] SEIKI: But there's something about her... I don't mean she's a hottie. You know I'm not like the others on the team. I mean... it's like there's some echo there. I can feel it when she tries to talk to me... KOTASHI: You're not about to bust out into a sonnet, are you? SEIKI: A what? KOTASHI: Nevermind. Now.. okay. I can see that. She's kind of got the inverse of your problem... but Seiki, complementary neuroses do not a cupid's arrow make-- ... um. Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. SEIKI: It's alright, Kotashi. KOTASHI: I think Shin said Aki and Himei were at the trees behind the building, to answer your question. SEIKI: Right. Okay. Thanks, Kotashi. KOTASHI: I wish you better luck than I've been having. SEIKI: Huh? KOTASHI: Nothin'. Now shove off, I have work to do. [SCENE EXT. UNDERNEATH TREE BEHIND SCHOOL. Himei and Aki are chatting during lunch break.] AKI: But wasn't the response to "[Do want pepper with, maim?]" supposed to be "[Without butter]"? HIMEI: I don't know. I think I got that one wrong too. AKI: This isn't good, Himei. My grades are slipping in that class... usually you helped me by, um, giving me your homework. But neither of us have had time to do the homework... HIMEI: I'm not worried. We have to take things as they come. If we do badly in school, it doesn't matter. AKI: Uh.. yes it does. We've got to get into good colleges, right? If I don't place high enough I can't go to a prestigious school, and I might not be able to.. um.. do whatever I want to do with my life. HIMEI: It won't interfere with the war. You'll be able to fight the Yamiko regardless of where you go to school. AKI: ...isn't that sort of a narrow view? You said you wanted a happy life, right? HIMEI: Yes. I can't worry about that now, though. I have to fight to get what I want. It's just a question of surviving this so I can have that happy life. AKI: I don't think you're reading Dusty's words right, Himei... the war is everything? I mean, that's the sort of thing Sailor Nothing would say... HIMEI: ...I'm not a monster. AKI: I didn't say you were. HIMEI: But I'm not her. She's not me. I don't want to be cold and numb and... and... [Aki glances away... and spots SEIKI walking over on his crutches.] AKI: Uh... Himei, ixnay on the othingnay. HIMEI: What? AKI: Look who's coming to see us-- SEIKI: Himei! Glad I found you! [Seiki walks right up to Himei, who stands and backs against a tree. Aki steps away, watching quietly.] HIMEI: ... SEIKI: Listen, um... oh, don't worry about the cast, I'll be fine in about two months. Family doctor said I'll only need the crutch for a month, too. SEIKI: Kinda silly of me to trip over the table, huh? ...or was it the chair? Anyway, listen, um, last night kinda bombed, I guess. It's a shame Henry fell down too, I was hoping... Err... you okay, Himei? HIMEI: Yes? SEIKI: I was thinking I could make it up to you. Ah... are you busy.. well, no, tonight I have my work shift at the video store... but tomorrow? Maybe around seven I could do Dinner, Take Two? AKI: ... HIMEI:'re asking me out to dinner? Just me? SEIKI: Ah... well... I guess your friends could come, if you prefer that... AKI: Oh, I'll be busy. Terribly busy. I think Shin will be too. Don't worry about us. HIMEI: Aki? AKI: ...I wouldn't want to be a bother, really. SEIKI: Oh, it's no bother! And Himei, it's only fair, after the mess made of the last dinner, right? I mean, it's the only thing I could do. I mean. It's not a big deal if you can't-- HIMEI: I can make it. SEIKI: Oh! Great! Hey, that's great. So, I'll see you-- [Three students in track team uniforms hurry onto the scene.] STUDENT ONE: Hey, there he is! STUDENT TWO: SEIKI! Jeez, you're a hard guy to find! C'mon, the Coach needs to talk with us right away! Hurry! SEIKI: ...huh? But practice isn't-- [They huddle around Seiki and hurry him off.] SEIKI: H-Hey! Watch it, don't trip the crutch! STUDENT THREE: Gotta go now. SEIKI: Himei! I'll call you, okay? HIMEI: O-- STUDENT ONE: See you later, girls! [Seiki and the students leave. Himei stares into space, as Aki returns to her side.] HIMEI: ...did that really happen? Am I dreaming all of this? AKI: Himei! You actually did it... you've got a date with Seiki! I mean, he didn't say it was a date, I think he was kind of shy really, that's so cute, isn't it?... ...I guess I'm a little jealous of it but hey, this is what you wanted, right? And whatever makes you happy is O-K with me! HIMEI: ...Aki-chan? AKI: Yes? HIMEI: You've been on dates before, right? AKI: Um... I guess you could call them dates, yeah... HIMEI: do I do it? I don't know anything about dates. What if I mess up? What if I say the wrong thing? Is he gonna hate-- AKI: Himei... I think in this case, it's okay to not worry. Take it as it comes. HIMEI: ... [SCENE EXT. At the starting blocks on the school race track. Seiki stands with his three classmates surrounding him.] SEIKI: Guys, practice isn't until after school. What's going on? Coach isn't here. ONE: No, he's not. Sorry, Seiki. But we had to get you out of there. TWO: That's twice we had to pull you away from that freak, man, what's wrong with you? Did you hit your head when you busted your leg? SEIKI: ...excuse me? ONE: Listen, Seiki, we're your friends. And friends don't let friends make mistakes. You do not want to be involved with Himei and Aki right now. THREE: Aki's marked. SEIKI: Marked how? ONE: That little stunt with the megaphone must've really annoyed her old friends in the Fashion Club. They've made it clear that nobody's allowed to associate with her now. SEIKI: So what? Guys, it's just the Fashion Club. It's not like the Principal's passed an edict or anything. [Student one approaches Seiki a bit closer, as two shakes head and steps away.] TWO: Christ, just use small words with him, okay? I wanna get on with this. ONE: *sigh* Seiki... follow me on this. Wazaru has a pecking order. Student government, Fashion Club, atheletes... we're all on top. Outcasts and weirdos are on the bottom. Aki fell pretty far that day, all the way to Henmei's level. But you're still one of us. What's it make us look like if you're seen taking Henmei to the nurse's office, or having dinner with them? SEIKI: ...I don't like that word. ONE: Eh? SEIKI: Henmei. Stop calling her that. I never liked it when you guys joked around about it in the locker room, even though I didn't speak up much. Guys, please, just call her Himei, okay? TWO: It's like talking to a brick wall. Let's just do this and get on with things. SEIKI: Do what? [AMI and EMI of the fashion club walk up to the gang. Student One quickly breaks away to meet and greet them.] AMI: Hello, boys! Are things going according to plan? THREE: Yes. ONE: Ah, yeah, we're just talking over how we're gonna get it done. Seiki's going to help, so we have to plan-- SEIKI: Help you with what? EMI: It doesn't matter how. If you guys want to keep your position you'll find a way. TWO: No problem, Ami, Emi. We're on it. We'll have them for you before the end of the-- SEIKI: Excuse me. ONE: I forgot to ask, where do you want us to deliver them to? Um, maybe I could come over after school, Ami, you know, hang out and-- SEIKI: EXCUSE ME! [The group turns to Seiki.] AMI: Yes? SEIKI: What.. exactly... are all of you talking about? AMI: How unorganized. Your track team captain isn't even aware of Operation Cotton? ONE: We were.. just getting around to explaining it. Like I said. [Ami looks away... smiling as she explains.] AMI: It's simple enough: we're going to have Aki's panties stolen, then we'll sell them on eBay. And won't it be funny for her to try to walk home on a breezy day like today with no panties? EMI: eBay? I thought we were going to run them up the school flagpole. AMI: Get with it, Emi, we're the Internet Generation. THREE: We're the ones stealing them, Seiki. TWO: Serves that tease right for that stunt she pulled, I say. I never liked her, you know. I knew she was a skank from the-- SEIKI: You can't be serious... AMI: Boys, drop off her undies at my house. See if you can get little Henmei's panties too, while you're at it; I don't like the way those two carry on. If all goes well... perhaps you can date me sometime, ne? ONE: Aahh.. thanks, Ami! We'll do our best! AMI: See that you do. [The Fashion Club leaves. The track team members gather around Seiki.] ONE: ...dude, I think she wants me. YEAH! THREE: Riight. ONE: Right, then. The girls're still over at those trees, so right before lunch ends when nobody's looking, we jump them and get the goods. I know you're kinda crippled, but you hold her down, Seiki, and we'll pull off-- SEIKI: I can't believe I'm hearing this. This is insane! TWO: Hey, you've got no right to bitch now, Seiki. This is your own damn fault. SEIKI: I've got nothing to do with this! TWO: Of course you do! It's your busted leg that's gonna cause us to miss the championship this season! Without that trophy, the softball team will pass us. THEY'LL get the front page columns while we get cutesy 'Maybe next year' writeups! I am not gonna risk my scholarship and my social standing by being shoved aside like that. ONE: Hold on, Seiki's friends with the newspaper editor for a reason. Right, Seiki? You can keep us on the front page regardless, just play that Korashi guy like a flute! SEIKI: His name is KOTASHI. And that's not why I'm friends with him! What is wrong with you people?! This isn't how the track team gets things done. We win because we work hard and we-- TWO: We win because you run like a cheetah. YOU win races for us, we're slowpokes compared to you. I'm just in it for the glory, myself. ONE: Ah... not to say that honest, competitive sport isn't a great thing, no, I think he means to say... um. Anyway, look, Seiki, this is for YOUR own good as well as ours. Once we're in with the Fashion Club we'll have it made! Okay, so you don't have to directly help if you don't want to. That's fine. But you don't have to get mad, we're doing this for you. SEIKI: I don't want this! This isn't right. If you guys try this, if you lay one finger on Himei or Aki, I swear I'll-- THREE: You'll stop us, pegleg? You told us you don't like violence. SEIKI: ...I'll tell the coach. I'll tell the principal. TWO: Tell the...? Oh, come on! Yeah, right, like their star runners who keep them funds coming to the sports program will get anything more than a slap on the wrists. They'll probably be happy we're helping run that freak out of their school. Then she won't crack and start shooting kids like the psycho bitch she is. We'll be heroes! You really gotta wise up to reality, Seiki. Maybe you'd have gotten it sooner if your head wasn't jammed in the clouds... ONE: Guys, guys, this is counterproductive. We're a team, there's no need to be at each other's throats. ...Seiki, you don't think we should do this? SEIKI: Of course not! How can you even think of this? They're human beings and don't deserve to be treated like that -- and you absolutely do NOT do that sort of thing to a girl! It's unthinkable! THREE: Can't help it. We don't have a choice. SEIKI: You ALWAYS have a choice! ONE: Okay, okay, listen! Seiki's made himself clear. I think in the name of team unity, we have to do the right thing... SEIKI: Exact-- [Student one shoves Seiki over, and yanks away his crutch. Seiki lands hard on the track, face first.] SEIKI: Wha--! HEY! Why'd you-- ONE: No offense, Seiki, but this is for the good of the team. It'll all be over before you can to get to your feet. For god's sakes, don't raise a scene. Let's go! [The track team hurries off, with his crutch. Seiki rolls around trying to get back on his feet.] SEIKI: STOP! Guys, don't do this! PLEASE! No, no, NO... this can't be happening. This is so nuts... HIMEI! ...this is gonna hurt, but I gotta catch 'em. One, two... [SCENE EXT. UNDERNEATH TREE BEHIND SCHOOL.] AKI: Himei, relax! It'll be okay. I can coach you! You'll knock 'im dead! ...not literally. HIMEI: I can barely talk to him. I can barely talk at all. I'm lucky I can talk this well with you! What will I do? I don't know if I'm ready for-- [The track team rushes onto the scene.] STUDENT TWO: HELLO, ladies! STUDENT THREE: Get 'em! HIMEI: What...? [They pounce the girls, pushing them around a bit. One paws at Aki's skirt, fumbling.] AKI: Aaah! Get away from me!! HIMEI: --?! STUDENT ONE: It's nothing personal, babe, but you're on Ami's hitlist-- [Seiki hobbles onto the scene at high speed, wincing with pain as he tries to walk on his broken leg.] SEIKI: LEAVE THEM ALONE! STUDENT ONE: Seiki--?! How-- [Seiki dives into the fray, trying to pull them away from the girls.] HIMEI: S-Seiki? SEIKI: I said get your hands off them! STUDENT TWO: Seiki, you're blowing this whole thing-- SEIKI: Leave Himei ALONE!! [...unbeknowst to them, Dark General Cobalt fades in from a shadow behind the group...] AKI: Stop it, please! COBALT: Excuse me. Did you say her name was Himei? HIMEI: ...oh no... STUDENT TWO: Who the hell--? COBALT: Exactly. ARISE, Super Yamiko, from Shoutan Himei!! STUDENT ONE: This is getting too weird. Run, team! [RUMBLE] SEIKI: What's going...? HIMEI: Run, Seiki! It's happening! Aaagh..! SEIKI: But-- [A dark shadow expands from Himei's body... and keeps expanding. It overtakes the entire group, until all is black.] HIMEI: ... COBALT: ...crap. [SCENE: NOTHING. An inky black void with no details whatsoever and nobody present... until Aki fades into view, looking around in a panic.] AKI: ...where.. where am I? Himei? [She starts running, although there's no visual indication she's getting anywhere in the void.] AKI: HIMEI! Himei, where are you?... where are we? It's fr-freezing cold... Himei, call out! Tell me where you are! Please, say something! COBALT: ...she's asleep, she can't hear you. [Cobalt fades into view, standing in shock. Himei is asleep on the 'ground'.] COBALT: This is her Super Yamiko. Apparently it's not the standard claws and tentacles type. And stupid me, I spilled the blocking power. We're fucked. Sorry. AKI: Himei! Himei, wake up! COBALT: I don't know who you are, but would you mind terribly if you let it eat you while I try to find a way out of here? AKI: Please, just SHUT UP, Cobalt! COBALT: did you know my name? [A ghostly figure fades into and out of view... in front of them, then next to them, then behind them. Surrounding them. She looks exactly like Himei, but drained of color, and her skin is fully blacked out and meshing with the nothingness.] NOTHING: She knows your name, because you are alike. AKI: H.. Himei? Is that you? COBALT: ...........Himei? NOTHING: No. I am Sailor Nothing. Soldier in a meaningless war. Killer of Yamiko. The one who feels no pain and no emotion, moving from battle to battle until the day I finally die. AKI: You're.. you're not Sailor Nothing! Himei is Sailor Nothing. You're just a Yamiko! COBALT: .......................... NOTHING: I know. Just like Magnificent Kamen is a Yamiko. That's okay. You don't have to be afraid anymore, Aki-chan... don't worry, I didn't take the boys. They should stay innocent and unaware of this. AKI: ...what? NOTHING: I'm going to give you peace. I'll give all of you the peace you deserve, and go on fighting in your place... [Aki, Himei and Cobalt start flickering into the darkness.] AKI: C..Cold! I'm so cold... COBALT: I can't believe it. This is not happening. This is not POSSIBLE... NOTHING: Don't resist. Just let go. It's not a bad way to die. You won't feel anything, soon. I care for you too much to see you suffer, Aki. As for you, Cobalt... you and all your kind deserve death. Your existence is wretched and sad. Your end should bring you peace as well. COBALT: ...but I'm.. I'm not done my w-work... AKI: I'm.. I'm not a Yamiko! Why are you doing this?! I thought you were my friend! NOTHING: You're cursed, just as Himei is. Cursed to a life of pain and sorrow and battle. It's better this way. AKI:'re not my friend. You're not Himei. I'll fight you. Even if I die, I'll protect her! BEAUTY MAGIC, MAKE UP! [Aki shifts momentarily into Sailor Beauty form, and a rainbow spread of energy launches from her hands, engulfing the shadowy Sailor Nothing...] AKI: AMAZING GRACE!!! COBALT: ... won't work, you twit. AKI: It's not working! NOTHING: I'm nothing. You can't destroy nothing. I feel no pain... COBALT: It's a Super Yamiko. It's designed to resist your normal attacks.. Sailor Beauty. Great. Just great. I'm about to fr-fr-freeze to death and... well, it's just ironic, dammit... dammit.... [Cobalt collapses. Aki sinks to her knees, and pleads with the sleeping Himei, her body fading away more and more.] NOTHING: It'll be over soon. Lie down and give up, and you won't feel so scared. Himei's doing that right now. AKI: Him.. Himei! Pl-Please, wake up... you're the only one that can stop a Super Y-Yamiko... AKI: Himei, please!! [Himei's eyes open, and she speaks quietly.] HIMEI: ...but she's right. I'm cursed. All I have in my future is this war, and the pain. Every morning I want to end it with that razor. I'm so tired, Aki. I'm very tired... AKI: Himei! If you die, you can't go on your date tomorrow! HIMEI: ... AKI: You said you had to fight to stay alive, because you wanted to live. You want happiness and friends and love, no matter how hard it is to endure this... wake up! P-Please!.. wake up... don't give up... I.. I c-care about you too much to see it end like this... cold.. I'm so cold... HIMEI: ... [Aki collapses... as Himei rises, turning to face her Yamiko self.] NOTHING: ...what? Why do you resist? You know this is the best way. Simple. Easy. Eternal peace. You don't have to feel pain anymore. You're not strong enough to truly endure that. HIMEI:'re not me. I thought you were, but I know now you're not. You're the part of me that wants to give up. The part of me that wants to die. NOTHING: You deserve peace. You've been hurt enough. HIMEI: I don't want that kind of peace! I don't want to go numb forever. I want to LIVE! [Himei blurs, and rushes headlong into Sailor Nothing...] HIMEI: I want to live, no matter how much it hurts!! [The void flickeres black and red, as Himei tears the Yamiko apart...] [SCENE INT. HIMEI'S BEDROOM. She's under the blankets on her cot, lying on her side as she talks to Dusty.] DUSTY: "Freak weather incident?" HIMEI: That's what the principal is calling it. It's the only explanation that makes sense to the adults. HIMEI: The boys were unconscious through the whole thing. Aki and I pretended to be out, too. The gym teacher found us, and we all got sent home to recover. The boys were... well, one of them kept babbling about being cold, another was just silent, the third wouldn't look at me straight. We couldn't pin an attack on them after all that. [Dusty steps closer, concerned.] DUSTY: And Seiki...? HIMEI: ...I don't know. I suggested maybe he tripped over his cast and knocked himself out. Maybe he bought it. I couldn't tell. He walked all the way there on his fractured leg just to save m.. us. That must have hurt... DUSTY: What about Cobalt..? HIMEI: He ran away. Neither of us were in any shape to chase him. ...he knows who we are now, Dusty. We're not going to be safe... DUSTY: I guess... we'll worry about that when it comes, Himei. HIMEI: I don't know if we can do that. DUSTY: Huh? HIMEI: Maybe that's not going to work. I understand not worrying about things we can't change, Dusty. But I also know we can't be careless. Aki told me today I should look out for my future. And after I saw what I could become if I didn't care about my future... Shin's busy researching all this stuff, right? DUSTY: Hai. She ICQed you earlier to say she'd be with Kotashi at the library and to get well soon. It wasn't easy to type with these paws but I thanked her. HIMEI: Maybe she'll uncover something useful. Because I have a bad feeling this war's going to get worse and worse... and we're going to get hurt. [Himei rolls onto her back, snuggling under the blankets. Dusty settles on her stomach.] DUSTY: Himei... HIMEI: I'm expecting to get hurt. I've accepted that. DUSTY: You need to rest, Himei. You've got school tomorrow... and a date, remember? Save up your energy for having a good time! HIMEI: ...I don't know if I should go on that date. Seiki's already gotten involved twice. He doesn't have to get hurt. That's my job... DUSTY: We'll talk about it later. Take a cat nap, Himei. You deserve a little rest. HIMEI: Just a little rest... okay.... I'm very tired. But I'll just rest a little. [SCENE INT. COBALT'S OFFICE. Ohta is already here, as Cobalt hurries inside.] OHTA: ...sir? You're back? What's wrong, you look like you've seen-- COBALT: Sailor Nothing. I saw Sailor Nothing! OHTA: Well, of course, sir. Aren't your Super Yamiko supposed to-- COBALT: Out. Out, Ohta. I need some time to think. No offense, just... beat it. OHTA: Okay.. [Ohta leaves. Cobalt stares at a wall as he thinks it over.] COBALT: ...I know who Sailor Nothing is. This is PERFECT. Now I can eliminate them all with ease! Nothing will stand in the way of my mission! I'll win the respect of the others -- hell, the Queen might even promote me ahead of Argon... [Fading from a light grey burst of light... the queen appears, sitting on the sofa behind Cobalt. Cobalt whirls around.] QUEEN: Am I interrupting? COBALT: Queen!! I greet you... ah.. welcome to my office. If I knew you were coming, ah, I would have cleaned up-- QUEEN: Cobalt... how fares the restoration? What have you learned so far on this task I have set you? COBALT: Ah.. I've learned much, ma'am. It's going well, ma'am. Power has been restored to many blocks of the city. We have two generators online and are working on restoring telephone connectivity. COBALT: I'll be moving my workers from the bunks to actual apartments soon. Farming is moving along slowly due to lack of unspoiled land, but I feel we'll be on our feet in a matter of-- [The office ROCKS with the force of a distant explosion. Both Cobalt and the Queen turn to the door in surprise.] COBALT: --the hell?! [Ohta rushes in.] COBALT: Ohta! What is going on?! OHTA: It.. it's Kenichi, sir! He.. he blew up the generators! Both of them! COBALT: ...what?! OHTA: He kept shouting about wanting to go to Earth to find people to kill, and he was banging around in the generator room with a crowbar and screaming... ...I guess he hit the wrong machine, because... well, he went up with the generators. The explosion took out a city block! It's a disaster! ...who's she, sir? COBALT: Get out. OHTA: But what should we-- COBALT: GET OUT! [Ohta runs out. Cobalt quickly turns to the queen.] COBALT: apologies, my Queen. But it's not a huge setback. Ah... we have... we don't have any more generators but I'm sure... QUEEN: ...Cobalt... why did this accident happen? COBALT: A fluke, ma'am. We have bad seeds occasionally, that's all it is. I try to spawn with self control and technical skills in mind but every now and then-- QUEEN: Cobalt... you don't understand. What have you learned from all this? COBALT: ...learned, my Queen? QUEEN: I came here today after my long silence to see if you have learned what I wanted you to learn. To see if my mission has taught you what you need to know. COBALT: I... I'm afraid I don't understand, my Queen... [The queen looks out the open door, at the chaos outside. Cobalt steps up behind her, looking as well.] QUEEN: You know in your heart the truth of the Yamiko, Cobalt. They are destruction. Destruction of self and destruction of others, destruction of all. They are... omnicidal. Such a beast cannot, in the long run, survive. Even if the Yami-gaia rose and crushed the human world, winning the war, they would eventually destroy themselves for lack of anyone left to kill. Thus... it's impossible to bring civilization to the Yami-gaia. That's what I wanted you to learn. COBALT: I.. I thought if I was careful and diligent, I could work around that handicap... QUEEN: You can.. for a time. But then something like this will happen. It always will. The Yamiko are not whole beings, Cobalt. They are merely dark reflections... as fragile as a mirror. I see that you have learned this, even if you had not realized the true nature of the mission I've given you. I've set you to a fool's errand. [Cobalt turns away, stunned... and angered by this.] COBALT: ...Argon was right. You.. you toyed with me. You mocked me! You made me a Dark General and gave me this stupid task just to humiliate me, and... and well... I don't care if you destroy me for saying this, but I hate the Yamiko. I HATE THEM. [The Queen steps around to talk face to face with Cobalt.] COBALT: I hate the Yami-gaia and I hate you! I'm tired of being picked on, kicked around, treated like-- QUEEN: Cobalt! COBALT: --What?! QUEEN: You are not the fool in this errand. WE are the fools. That's what I wanted you to learn. I made you to be special, so that you could see that clearly. COBALT:'re the Queen of this world. Why do you call the Yamiko fools? QUEEN: Because they are. Foolish children whose very existence was a mistake. Now that you have seen this... I set you free from the task of restoring the city. That is all. I will take my leave now. COBALT: You're not going to kill me..? QUEEN: Why should I kill you for doing what I created you to do? COBALT: ...what am I supposed to do now? I don't have anything in my life other than the mission you set me on. QUEEN: That is up to you. You say you hate this place and you hate the Yamiko... you could run to Earth, but the others would hunt you down. You can choose to kill yourself to escape it. Or... you can do something about it. Goodbye, Cobalt. [The Queen walks out of the office.] COBALT: ... ...ruined. My entire task, ruined. And it wasn't even a task in the first place. I could flee to Earth... but then they'd just hunt me down. The Queen would authorize it, wouldn't she? I could... kill myself, I suppose... but I already did that once. That's all I needed. What could she have meant, "Do something about--" ... OHTA! [Ohta enters again, a second later.] OHTA: Your orders, sir? COBALT: Ohta... I'm going to Earth to do some research. Hold my calls. And tell Arg.. no. Tell NEON I want to meet with him tomorrow. COBALT: ...I may have a hot tip on a human he'd enjoy playing with. And between you and me... they're going to enjoy playing with HIM, too. OHTA: Uh... sir? You're smiling wide enough to frighten me... COBALT: I'm dismantling the entire restoration operation, Ohta. This is my last order to you. I've got a new project now. You can do whatever you want, we're done with this nonsense. OHTA: ...sir, if it's alright, I'd like to continue as your assistant. I don't have anything in this world other than my work. And unlike the others, I will stay loyal. I won't crack like Kenichi. ...please? COBALT: ...I'm going to be doing something horrendously dangerous, Ohta. You sure about that? OHTA: Absolutely. COBALT: Hey, it's your funeral. Or rather... if we play our cards right... it's going to be theirs. Every last one of them. OHTA: The Sailors, sir? COBALT: The Yamiko. [FADE TO BLACK.] PREVIEW OF NEXT EPISODE COBALT: You are mine, you sons of bitches. You hear me? MINE. Even if I have to use them to get at you... AKI: Am I jealous? I don't know. I should be. But I shouldn't be! This is what she wants, and I want her to be happy. Right? SEIKI: Something strange is going on here. I'm tired of not knowing something that's happening right under my nose. But we're still on for that date, right? DUSTY: Next time on Sailor Nothing, friends use friends to get what they want. ...that's not very friendly, is it? HIMEI: I'm sorry, I shouldn't see you again. TO BE CONTINUED sailor nothing copyright 2001 Stefan Gagne unauthorized use prohibited