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This information is only supplementary; relevant data about the universe will be presented in-story as it arises, if you'd prefer to learn as you read. Information in this encyclopedia is subject to change without warning as the story develops.

Realities (And citizens)

Terms & Tech


(unreal estate copyright
2001 stefan gagne)
[unauthorized use is
strictly prohibited]



Arboria was once known for its green groves, apple orchards, and lovely flora of all shapes and sizes. Its people were kind and took care of the land with respect and dignity, and so on...

Then a religious war broke out between rival factions who both claimed the place as holy ground. The fighting was short and severe and left no one standing, tree or human alike.

Now, Arboria is a radioactive wasteland with chemical fallout and craters in the parched earth as far as the eye can see. Normally realities that get trashed in this way are turned off, and their Reality Engines are shipped back to RealWare for later repurposing -- but a young military otaku, self-named 'Duke', purchased the engine's contract off the few surviving members of Aboria instead.

Now on this cheap land, he has a perfect place to sell military surplus goods AND offer testing grounds to potential buyers to sample the wares. Wanna blow stuff up? Everything here is already blown up, so set up some targets and launch anything from bullets to high yeild nuclear devices, nobody's gonna care. Wanna try piloting that new tank around craters and hills and dangerous ravines? We've got plenty!

Duke does a brisk business thanks to his facility, needless to say. But the few survivors of the Aboria wars hold a grudge against him for exploiting what was once a green paradise in this way.