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Hawt Stuph!

Formerly known as 'Hot Stuff', formerly known as 'The Hip Network', formerly known as 'Teen Video', formerly known as 'The Stream That Forcefeeds Manufactured Popularity Down Your Gullet' during a period of unusually popular honesty in programming... this Video Network stream is and always will be the barometer for pop culture.

If it's the next big thing, it shows up here. The network is a collaborative effort of fifteen marketing groups and numerous consumer goods manufacturers, music publishers and movie studios to ensure that their work is purchased, no matter how unimpressive it may be. It's a 24/7 hype machine, subscription is cheap, and anybody who's anybody has it on their Video Network Set.

For instance, the trend of "Badd Speiling" was started here when the former Hot Stuff network named itself 'Hawt Stuph!'. And boy oh boy was the multiverse thankful for THAT little fad.

Those seeking an alternative to this capitalistic pop claptrap can tune into 'Question Everything', home of The Last Word and home of plenty of alternative music and video. Hawt Stuph! has tried to squash the stream numerous times, but there's always an audience for it and QE has stayed afloat as a result.