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Realities (And citizens)

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Josef Heisenberg

A moderately successful farmer in Grünwald, Josef specializes in farming rather than cooking. He oversees the planting of several major crops and organizes the apprentices who are just starting on the road to farming excellence. He lives in a nice two level cottage near the windmill, and is on the Village Council.

Early in life, Josef had left Grünwald for, so to speak, greener pastures. He didn't have an easy time of it because he left on an impulse with no real idea where he'd live or how he'd survive. Eventually he met a Reality Engineer from Nippon, who he fell in love with and married. The two returned to Grünwald to raise a family soon after.

Currently he lives by himself; his wife passed away, and his son Mallory has left home (but frequently writes letters to him from his new Home).