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Realities (And citizens)

Terms & Tech


(unreal estate copyright
2001 stefan gagne)
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Mellow Fellow

Presumably that's not his real name, but if he's got another name he ain't telling.

Mellow Fellow is a proud patriotic resident of I's Land, but he only visits once in a while. More often he can be found operating Mellow Fellow's Smiling Taxi Service, ferrying people who usually can't afford cross-reality transit fees around. He accepts barter as a form of payment and will also run tabs, but does prefer points if at all possible.

The Taxi is little more than a hut made of cheap wooden panelling. It has a beanbag seats for up to four passengers and an old, duct-tape repaired recliner for Mellow to kick back in while waiting for fares. He has a very obsolete but servicable RealNet workstation to recieve pickup requests on, a portable stereo that only plays back prerecorded disks rather than streams. It's set to deliver a continuously mixed stream of Lander Dub that only repeats tracks every sixteen days.

He tends to ignore the standardized method of passport processing, since it messes with his vibes. This gets him in hot water with local governments, but they can't shut him down since he's using an Open Engine that he got one day in exchange for three pounds of fine I's Land weeds. As a result, his service is quite in demand by people who want to sneak in and out of worlds, or just don't feel like dealing with the hassle.

By I's Lander standards, Mellow Fellow is pretty wealthy. By his own standards, as he'd say, "I's got what I want in life, so I's cool."