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This information is only supplementary; relevant data about the universe will be presented in-story as it arises, if you'd prefer to learn as you read. Information in this encyclopedia is subject to change without warning as the story develops.

Realities (And citizens)

Terms & Tech


(unreal estate copyright
2001 stefan gagne)
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strictly prohibited]



AKA the sum total of all realities. UNIverse makes no sense since there isn't one of them.

The phrase is primarily used as a sense of scope. 'Multiversal Pictures' is a better name for a movie studio than 'Movies made in this one place and then exported all over.' Common language has tokens like "What in the multiverse is that thing crawling up my leg?!" or "You've been sleeping with half the multiverse and I'm divorcing you."

Multiversal corporations are very buzzworthy; companies rich enough to operate outside their home world beyond simple exporting of product deserve a lofty title.