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This information is only supplementary; relevant data about the universe will be presented in-story as it arises, if you'd prefer to learn as you read. Information in this encyclopedia is subject to change without warning as the story develops.

Realities (And citizens)

Terms & Tech


(unreal estate copyright
2001 stefan gagne)
[unauthorized use is
strictly prohibited]



The nightclub to end all nightclubs.

Just one of many 'consumer specialty' Realities, designed for folks seeking the finest bars, restaurants, nightclubs, swinging singles scenes and hot chicks as far as the eye can see. Nocturn has thousands of smaller themed clubs and attractions, some mediocre, some amazing to behold. It's always nighttime there, so no matter what time standard your home Reality works by (although most use Urbana Standard Time) you'll have a party ready and waiting on arrival.

Information kiosks are placed around the area, which helps since it's quite easy to get lost in the light and sound and crowds that make Nocturn the delightfully hedonistic (yet controlled) paradise that it is.