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Realities (And citizens)

Terms & Tech


(unreal estate copyright
2001 stefan gagne)
[unauthorized use is
strictly prohibited]


Passport Processing

With this many realities lying around and so many people bopping to an fro, some measure of order must be instilled in the chaos. Realities like to know who is lurking in their little world, like to know what possible diseases they might have, if there's an outstanding arrest warrant on their head from some other world, etc, etc... that's where Passport Processing comes into play.

The most common passports used are RealWare Passports. These serve as proof of identity in just about every reality, and are quite easy to obtain to encourage ease of travel; if you're taking a taxi or other similar people-transport to move around, this is typically all you need since taxis have their own business agreements with the worlds you go to (or completely ignore the rules like some taxis do).

But for transients with their own buildings, often realities will have their own custom protocols and hoops to jump through, ranging from simple to surreal. Preparing for a move from place A to place B can often involve a series of RealNet Messages to the local passport office, electronic paperwork submissions, fingerprints, DNA scans, and so on. That's not even counting the extra hoops a dock might want from you for the right to take up space.

The process of getting cleared to dump your home away from home into someone else's world can potentially take hours, or could result in dismal failure if you don't navigate the red tape as well as you navigate the multiverse. This is why many people will stick to taxis or other light transport methods rather than take on the life of a transient.