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This information is only supplementary; relevant data about the universe will be presented in-story as it arises, if you'd prefer to learn as you read. Information in this encyclopedia is subject to change without warning as the story develops.

Realities (And citizens)

Terms & Tech


(unreal estate copyright
2001 stefan gagne)
[unauthorized use is
strictly prohibited]



A simplified multiversal economy, handled via RealNet PointBank systems. The value of a 'point' in whatever the local currency tends to wobble around a lot, even from minute to minute. To keep from going insane trying to track the fluctuations shopkeepers tend to set points according to common sense standards that have developed over the years.

As a result of this dependence on RealNet technology, points are usually useless in worlds running Open Engines.

'Points' were previously called 'Credits' hundreds of years ago, 'Dollars' hundreds of years before that, 'Loonies' recently, and 'Shirleys' even more recently. Remember that next time you ponder how stupid 'points' sounds. Plus, this way you can say "Dude, I scored!" and mean either sex or a pay raise.