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(unreal estate copyright
2001 stefan gagne)
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strictly prohibited]



His name is pronounced "Quick Silver," but due to the eight letter restrictions of his homeland (Tribal Alpha) it had to be contracted a bit.

QwikSlvr owns a weaponry store in Antiparadisia named "QwikSlvr's Exotic Blades." Since fancy looking knives aren't favored by those seeking to kill someone fast with a minimal amount of training, he doesn't do a very booming business. And since he doesn't do a very booming business, nobody is interested in blowing up his business to eliminate market competition. As a result he enjoys a fairly stable lifestyle in the unstable black markets of Antiparadisia.

He's familiar with Lorelei, more of a casual friendship than a deep relationship. At one point he was in a business relationship with Duke, but parted amicably to focus on his primary love of life: sharp things.