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Realities (And citizens)

Terms & Tech


(unreal estate copyright
2001 stefan gagne)
[unauthorized use is
strictly prohibited]


Reality Engines (For Mobiles)

Engines that maintain individual realities are fine and dandy, but how are you going to get from one reality to another to meet your friends and trade goods and kill your enemies? Solution: Mobile Engines.

RealWare designed Reality Engines for Mobiles are designed to move a solid structure from one reality to another. This is terrific for cargo transport, but even better when you use it to travel around in self-relocating buildings. Taxi huts, small cottages you can move to the beaches of a faraway reality for the summer, emergency hospital-ettes that can be moved right to the scene of an accident... the possibilites are endless!

There are, of course, problems.

One is that most realities do not like you parking your house anywhere you damn well please. That's what docks are for, after all, to cater to transients who move around between realities in these mobile buildings. Of course, before you start roaming, you'd better make sure you follow proper passport processing, pay docking fees, etc, etc...

Most people find it easier to stay in one reality than deal with the hassle. Those who have to travel or commute use taxi huts, or purchase small shacks for the sole purpose of moving themselves or their families around on occasion.