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Realities (And citizens)

Terms & Tech


(unreal estate copyright
2001 stefan gagne)
[unauthorized use is
strictly prohibited]


RealNet Audio Receivers

Special-purpose RealNet devices that only receive audio. The appeal is that audio receivers are cheap, portable, easy to power and damned convenient compared to listening to your favorite music over an expensive and bulky Workstation.

Audio streams are available for free over RealNet, but if you want to download a song you're listening to, it costs extra. Devices that can store large amounts of music are more expensive than, say, a simple pair of headphones that can store 50 of your favorite tunes at any given time. Songs cannot be transferred from device to device and it is illegal under RealNet rules to reverse engineer the hardware to copy songs illegally. Of course, RealWare doesn't have any control over the laws of various realities, but they can cut YOU off personally from accessing RealNet if they feel like it...

There are a number of models available, ranging from a simple pair of earphones with built in audio reception capability to high quality home stereo with up to twelve degrees of sound separation.