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Realities (And citizens)

Terms & Tech


(unreal estate copyright
2001 stefan gagne)
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strictly prohibited]


RealNet Video Network Sets

The most popular use of RealNet, by far, is to access the Video Network.

Nearly 4,096 streams of video content, right to your home! Interactive and non-interactive streams, streams on every possible hobby or interest, news streams, music video streams, Nipponese Animation, financial streams, big business streams, and so on and so on. It is quite possible to make a living out of sitting there watching the Video Network all day, thanks a few 'we pay you to watch commercials!' networks.

However, most of these streams are available on a subscription basis only, outside of a core of basic (see: lame) streams provided by RealWare. The costs for maintaining monthly subscriptions or god forbid hourly subscriptions can be prohibitive, leading most to get their news and entertainment straight from RealWare, nice and filtered.

Some popular subscription streams include Hawt Stuph!, the soap opera network which hosts "Love & Hate", and the Question Everything network which hosts controversial talk show "The Last Word".