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Religion is unpopular.

The concept of an all-powerful God who judges His subjects by moral laws and accepts them into the afterlife, or any variation thereof, has fallen out of favor. It stopped being trendy a thousand years ago. Who needs God and his Heaven when you can craft your own paradise to your own exacting tastes? Besides, Gillian Bates doesn't believe in any God (other than maybe herself), and she's the most successful person alive.

Still, religion does play a part in some realities. Nippon has a strong faith based on a hyperevolved form of Shinto, where all things have spirits and ancestors are revered. I's Land has Iism, which basically says you should be nice to other people and enjoy life -- not a bad faith, all things considered. The warrior rituals of Tribal Alpha can be considered nearly religious; the only god they informally worship is Death, and the worship comes in a form of respect and sacrifice at his feet.

Those who do follow a religion tend to take one of two approaches to it as a result of its unpopularity. One, they worship quietly and in the privacy of their own homes, rather than get into uncomfortable situations where others could judge them. Two, they flaunt it as loudly and dramatically as possible just to cheese off the people who are going to Hell / purgatory / limbo / NullSpace / the Bad Place, case depending.