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Ryo Noyori

The success story of Ryo Noyori starts with very modest roots. Hailing from the Seven Lucky Gods Orphanage in Nippon, Ryo applied himself to his studies from an early age with a clear goal of establishing a company based on scientific research and new technologies that would help people. Despite being a book nerd, as it were, he never lost sight of his social skills -- friendly and personable to the point of appearing totally unprofessional, his insight into human relations is likely what kept him from sinking into the corporate mentality of others in his field.

Ryo is fairly tall for being Nipponese, with scruffy hair and a slovenly appearance (offset by his bright smile and warm, friendly looking eyes). He typically wears whatever he feels most comfortable in, even if he has to wear a lab coat on top of that for safety reasons. He's lived a very independent lifestyle, even apart from the orphanage directors who constantly tried to get him out of such bad habits, and hasn't changed much from his teenage days as a result.

Noyori Labs is an independent company wholly owned by Ryo Noyori, based entirely in Nippon. It has no ties with RealWare, and in fact makes a few products which could be seen as competitive with the monopolistic giant; Onsen-of-the-Month club, for instance. They have no marketing department, which means frequently Ryo will get distracted by a shiny new idea of a project which has no real-world market value, but thanks to a number of very marketable inventions produced early in his career he never has to worry much about money.