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Realities (And citizens)

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Steel Blades of Tribal Alpha

Of all the tribes in Tribal Alpha, none have reigned supreme as long as the Steel Blades. One of the very first established Tribes, they have been at or near the top of the scoring ladder for hundreds of years, for multiple generations of warriors. Generally they prefer to attack using meelee weapons, showing off intense martial arts skill, but those 'Playing Dee' (defensive experts) are also capable snipers.

Members of the Steel Blades hold most of the notable scoring records in Tribal Alpha's history, and many an oral tradition-passed story recounts their acts of skill and cunning. They are looked up to by other tribes as an example of What To Do...

Well, some tribes. Others, most others, loathe them for exactly those reasons. They've been on top so long that they tend to look down upon others. They take the game very seriously, usually going on at great length about honor and discipline and the purity of the hunt. And other tribes constantly try to knock them off their cherished spot... to varying levels of success.

The current leader of the Steel Blades is a woman named Kelli, who rose through the ranks through both skill with the blade and skill with people. Her soft spoken, gentle tone (which speaks words of pride and leadership) is well known throughout Tribal Alpha.