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Realities (And citizens)

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2001 stefan gagne)
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The Last Word (and QE)

All the free Video Network streams are RealWare owned. Most of the subscription streams are trying to jam their unique world view down your throat, and it tends to summarize neatly to 'Buy this.' The Video Network is a polluted ocean of misinformation flotsam, biased jetsam and utter crap.

Thus, it's your right to Question Everything.

Question Everything is the name of a subscription stream that exists specifically to play counterpoint to everything else. RealWare, owners of the network they stream over, doesn't particularly like them. Hawt Stuph! despises them. But, in the interests of giving lip service to notions of free speech, the stream is allowed to operate.

The number one rated show on QE is The Last Word, a talk show hosted by a man named Lazarus who has a tendency to invite important guests on just to expose fresh dirt of their misdoings. True, guests can turn down his offer to sit in the comfy chair and get their sins revealed to the world, but if they do that he'll expose them anyway -- and then they lack the chance to make an immediate, pointed rebuttal.

Lazarus is, in his own words, a cynical bastard. But he does have a mild streak of optimism, and there are times when guests on his show rebut the claims and he accepts their words. He can be stubborn, but is fair, and will admit publically when he is wrong. This is why critics will slam him for being an arrogant and obnoxious jerk, but seldom disrespect him for his actual work.

Question Everything and The Last Word are very popular with the Open Reality Movement. To others, it's an interesting network to watch sometime, but is too unpleasantly true and depressing to watch for very long when they're having a marathon of pop music videos and home shopping expos one stream away on the dial...