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I's Land

I's Land has all the factors needed to be a very prime tourism site. It's a tight cluster of small islands on an endless crystal blue sea, beneath clear skies that at worst offer light rains. The sun shines brightly, the moon shines brightly as well, and all is well. But the locals prefer to enjoy this reality themselves rather than package it up and cater it to visitors.

That's not to say visitors won't be treated with politeness and hospitality; the casual, peaceful attitude of I's Landers is known multiverse-wide. But there aren't many hotels, and the restaurants have extremely casual opening and closing hours, and there isn't a gift shop packed with local cultural artifacts in sight.

I's Land is PACKED with culture, even if it's not readily for sale. Lander Dub is a popular form of music across the multiverse that consists of slow and easy beats and heavily accented slang lyrics. It's usually bootlegged from the free performances offered up by the local musicians and sold exploitatively, but the I's Landers don't seem to mind, since they don't have much use for money.

They grow their own food and are entirely vegetarian, as the local religion (Iism) is based on pacifism towards all creatures. The most popular crop with outsiders is likely the weeds that grow here and there, which when rolled and smoked, can make you as mellow as I's Landers naturally are. High quality weeds are found in gardens with other food crops, but folks desperate for the stuff can yank it out from between sidewalk cracks. Needless to say, sidewalk weed tastes hideous. Also hideous are Rectalnuts, a local coconut-like plant which smells horrible a few days after falling off the tree, and tastes horrible from the beginning of time itself.

Of course, all is not a paradise in I's Land. Because they have a very loose grasp on economics and tend to give away most of their most potentially profitable resources, the population is not particularly rich. Poverty is common, and despite the network of charity, even the richest I's Lander is at best lower middle class compared to a reality like Urbana. Some more enterprising folks such as Mellow Fellow start businesses in the outside world and funnel excess profits back home to help others, so that everybody maintains about the same standard of living rather than having a wide disparity between the rich and the poor.

You may not destroy I's Land, or alter its nature from being a laid-back island reality.