And we’re on the ground running with chapter 018.1. You can read the new scenes here, and–
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on,” you may say, while riding a triceratops through a wasteland infected by radioactive commie mutants. “What’s this eighteen-point-one business? Aren’t your chapter titles convoluted enough as-is?”
“Well, the way I figure it, this story exists as five major movements,” I explain, unloading round after round from twin M60s into the oozing hordes. “The invasion, the buildup, a turning point, the aftermath, and the finale. I could write five stories to match, but that doesn’t seem like enough. So for the ‘buildup’ and ‘aftermath’ phases I’m going to tell four short stories. Shorter than the usual chapter length but still meaty enough to enjoy. Anyway, I talked all about it during the livestream last week.”
“Oh, you mean the one nobody watched because you announced it like one day before you did it?” you’d reply, lobbing grenades in a futile effort to resist our inevitable death.
“Yeah, sorry about that,” I say, before we are devoured by the flesh-hungry abominations.
Aaaaand scene.
So today, I bring you 018.1, which tells the story of what happened with Cass during all this mess. Enjoy.