Hey! Remember how last week we were discussing mixing together my love of games and my love of writing to create some side projects? Immediately after writing that post, I remembered “Hey, didn’t I buy a pen and paper RPG rulebook at PAX I could use for this…?”
Several days of hard work and 18,000 words later and we’ve got City of Angles: A Fate Core Campaign Setting.
Even if you don’t do RPGs, this document acts as a fun and interesting overview of the entire story series, with more details about the locales and mechanics and doings and goings-on. It has collapsable hidden spoiler sections, so if you haven’t caught up on the stories, you won’t ruin anything. It’s even got tables where you roll 1d20 to see what awful things you find in the Sideways!
I’m very curious to see if anybody will actually run a game with this. If you do, I’d LOVE details on how it goes. Remember, this is essentially fanfic; you can fiddle with the universe all you like, recast your players as the lucid protagonists, anything. Go nuts with it. I’m not gonna stop you from violating my precious, precious *snrk* canon.
This week you get the first half of the campaign book, next week you’ll get the rest… which includes notes on how to represent metadream connections with dice and stats. Neat stuff.
It does mean we’re delaying the next actual story chapter, //021, until May 10th (and possibly one week later) but since I have a spot of writer’s block AND I’m leaving for a week’s vacation soon, honestly, having something up else in the meanwhile is a good thing. Gives me breathing room. I appreciate your patience here and aim to keep you plenty entertained while I hack my way through the jungle of tangled plot threads.
So, whaddya think?