Gourry and Lina awoke on the shores of the sea of life.  Before them, all of humanity lapped against the sandy beach... each soul a tiny wad of spit in the great primordial soup, intertwined forever in one seething heavenly mass.  Order had won, organizing the entire world into a single mass being, as regular and uninteresting as the waves that pounded the beach.  This would be the paradise all life on earth had apparently toppled into.
    Groaning as he awoke, Gourry rolled over.  Lina was covered in bandages from wounds received in her fight.  He put his hands around her neck and strangled her to death for no adequately explored reason.
    Finally, he looked up the camera, and commented, "This ending sucks."

Story copyright 1998 Stefan Gagne, characters copyright H. Kanzaka / R. Araizumi.
A Spoof Chase Production.
Well, now you know why I wrote the real ending the way I did, so to speak. ^_^