The world was a different place now.
    How did things change?  Nobody knew what caused it.  Some had reoccurring flashbacks to some dark place, where they were trapped in a box, living only in their memories, over and over... until a golden warrior, with the wings they all had now, freed them.  But that didn't actually explain anything.  Some pretty fabulous stories were written, however.
    "And so," Myth concluded, "The world had ended.  But the end was merely a new beginning.  You all know of this new world, similar but different.. and what has happened to us.  Perhaps my tale was the truth behind it.  Perhaps we'll never know for sure.  But at least, when we close, we realize that the true end... has yet to be written.  To be continued."
    She closed her draft copy of 'Lina Inverse and the End of Everything,' and waited for her audience's reaction.
    The drinkers at the Singing Drunk Karaoke Bar looked into their drinks, or outside the window, or at the amusing picture dogs playing poker someone had hung on the wall.
    "Well?" Myth asked, probing.
    "It's.. not that we don't like it, miss," a member of the peanut gallery said.  "It's a good story, indeed.  Just... it's pretty hard to swallow.  Me and the lads were whispering a bit whilest you were reading -- terribly sorry -- and it doesn't sit well with us."
    His companion nodded.  "Yar.  Now, I likes a good Lina Inverse story like any man.  She's a good fictional type character.  But all of this is too much!  Nobody knows why all this happened, but come on now, Lina Inverse couldn't have.. even if... I mean--"
    "You just don't want to admit you FELT it was true, yew bastard!!" a drunk, belligerent audience member shouted.  "All of you felt that and are too scared to admit it!  Ya weak bellied pansies!"
    "No more for Earl, he's topped," the first drinker noted.
    "Now now, it doesn't matter if it's true," Myth smirked, appreciate of at least one job perk.  "You DID admit you liked the story as fiction.  So, cough up the tips, please.  A girl needs to stay fed."
    She rattled her coin jar (which was specially padded to prevent any rattling, and encourage pity, which encourages more money) and collected.  A few coppers here, a silver there, more coppers...
    And two gold coins.  Two big, heavy ones.
    Myth looked up at the man who offered them; not a particularly impressive sort, sitting on a stool despite being too short to have his feet touch the floor.
    "Good stuff," the man said.
    "Ah.. thanks," Myth said.  "And thanks for the coinage, sir."
    "You know, I was here when you recited the 'Thousand Reflections' one," he said.  "And the 'Chaos Factor' one.  I was thinking, would you mind if I published them?  You can't make that much money just reciting the stories compared to getting them up and out there for others to read.  But a good trilogy like that could really help promote your work."
    "Published?" she asked.  "Ummm... I haven't been published in a long time.  A really long time."
    "All the better.  My card," the man said, handing it over.  She flipped it, and read the company's initials, SCP.  "I think you're just what we're looking for."
    Time had passed.  Humanity had settled down; once you get over the initial shock that your whole species evolved overnight out of whatever cocoon it was in, things can get back to the usual order of relationships, stock trading, forceful appropriation of goods and so on.  Architecture was going to need a slight overhaul, and fashions of course had to match your particular wing colors.  Travel was going to need an overhaul as well.
    Nobody sat around twiddling their thumbs.  There were things to be done, after all, and time stopped for no one; things to do that had needed doing for a long time.
    The crowd assembled at watched, expectantly, as the preacher paused.
    "I now pronounce you man and wife," he said.  "You may now kiss the bride."
    The groom leaned over, lifting the bride's veil... and they kissed.  The crowd cheered, throwing confetti, rice (non-boiled) and party streamers.  Sailoon really knew how to throw a wedding.
    Gourry looked deep into Lina's eyes, and smiled... "You know....... they look really happy."
    "Who, Amelia and Dayvid?" Lina asked, peering up at the altar across three rows of seats.  "Oh, you bet.  She's adorably cute and clumsy, he's sensibly cute and clumsy... it's a match made in heaven."
    The rest of the party in the pew row seemed to agree, nodding.. although Zelgadis was nodding because he was nipping at an itch on his neck.  "I hate tuxedos," he grumbled.  "I never realized how damn scratchy they are against your skin."
    "Oh, ho, ho, hooo!!" Naga burbled.  "My little sister, getting married!"
    Lina shhhh'ed the elder Saileese princess.  "Naga, don't laugh at them!"
    "I'm not laughing!  This is how I cry.  Oh, ho ho ho hooo..."
    Aunt "Love" Koirry sighed, a smile lightly painted across her face.  "I agree, Naga-san.  It's so nice to see a young couple in love," she said.  "Isn't it beautiful, Chi'Nai?"
    "Oh, it is," Chi'Nai smiled.  "It's so pleasant..."
    Everybody looked at her funny.
    " that the matrimonial bonds allow for a more efficient way to spread incomes and share workloads in day to day chores," she added quickly, with a faint blush of embarrassment.  "That goes without saying, which is why, ah, I didn't say it.  Precisely."
    "Don't force it, Chi'Nai," Zelgadis said, still tugging at his bow tie.  "You just look silly--"
    She bonked him lightly with a hymn book.
    "When're they serving the cake already?  Sailoon ceremonies are too long!" Lina complained, slumping over the pew in front of her.
    Love perked up.  "Oh, Lina," she said.  "I forgot to tell you.  Guess who's on the catering staff for the reception?"
    "Who?" Lina asked.
    Luna Inverse carried five trays at once, thanks to good balance, two hands and a few levitational spells.  She whisked them down the line of Lina's table, each meal landing neatly in front of each guest.
    "'njoy," she mumbled through her usual smile, and went on to serve the others.
    "Gosh, it's good to see that she's back to work after losing her job as that knight thingy," Gourry said.  "Lina?  Lina, why are you so pale?"
    "B-B-Big sis," she babbled.  "Big sis.  Big sis..."
    "It's surprising, how many people we know who are here," Aunt Koirry said.  "It's a shame that Dayvid's father couldn't make it..."
    Lina nodded.  "I haven't heard from Xelloss since the quest finally ended.  Not one peep.  I keep checking in my dreams, but he's a definite no-show.  He could've been lost in the shuffle... you guys know what I had to go through to make this big happy ending you're living today, remember.  Who knows what happened?"
    "Awww, don't be so pessimistic!" Gourry smiled.  "Xelloss is a smart guy.  What could possibly go wrong?"
    A hand clamped heavily over Gourry's mouth, but a moment too late.  "GOURRY!" Lina hissed.  "Don't -- say -- that!  Unless you REALLY want more people we know to come..."
    "Mphmphh," Gourry apologized.
    A bit of silence hung over Lina's table... waiting for the inevitable.  Confused looks were passed around; except for Zelgadis's.
    "He's not a Mazoku anymore.  That won't work," he said casually, taking a sip of his wine.  "You can relax now.  We--"
    Luna Inverse appeared at Lina's side.  "Oi, sis.  Dirty lookin' guy's asking for you outside."
    Lina twitched.  "Great.  Just great."
    "Ah.." Gourry said, starting to get up.  "Do you need me to..?"
    "I'll be fine," Lina said, waving it off.  She turned back to the 'waitress', without looking directly at her.  "Um.. lead on, sis."
    The Inverse sisters wound around the crowded Great Hall of Sailoon Palace, careful not to let their wings bump into anything or brush anybody; a skill learned pretty quickly, humanity was finding out, as time went on.  But you can't avoid a sugar and alcohol fueled bride, as Amelia waved frantically to get Lina's attention as she walked by the head table.
    "Liiiina-san!" Amelia cheered.  "Like the reception!?"
    "It's great!  Congratulations!" Lina shouted back.  And gave Dayvid a sympathetic look, as he was already starting to get a bit terrified at the concept of a drunk Amelia.  She had to suppress a smile.  It was an odd pairing, but it'd work.  Married couples worked best when they were friends to begin with.
    A point she mulled over a little more.
    The din of the reception was dulled by the thick walls of the Palace, as Luna led Lina into a private study.  She was ready for anything from a magical brawl to an argument to a bit of forced comedy... but wasn't ready for who was actually there.
    Xelloss snapped the bound copy of  'Lina Inverse and the End of Everything' he was perusing closed, looking up to smile his trademark smile.  "Hello again, Lina-chan."
    "You state the obvious with an air of wisdom, as usual," he chuckled.  "What, did you think I could leave this world without parting farewells to my son on his wedding day?  Really, now, I may be a bad father, but only a complete schmuck would do THAT."
    Lina glanced back at her sister.  "But you said a dirty man was...?"
    "Jokin'," Luna chuckled.  "Naw.  Angela 'n Bugger are off adventurin' somewhere else.  I gotta get back to work.  C'ya."
    Being the only waitress who routinely teleported to carry things, Luna was off in a flash -- literally.
    Xelloss stepped over, to talk closely with Lina.  "I'm not violating my promise now, am I?"
    "Ah... no.  You aren't," Lina decided.  "Look... I'm sorry for leaving you there, but--"
    "It was required.  I see that now," Xelloss said.  "The Lord explained a great deal to me.  How she set it up that we'd be the only two people left, just so you would explode with rage and stomp off to find the TRUE answer--"
    "WHAT?!  I--"
    "--because, if they had evacuated everybody you know and a chunk of the population, we'd be back at square one," Xelloss said.  "Hiding in the World of Dreams, in the cradle of the world.  That means going backwards, not forwards.  If... certain people were not taken away from you, you wouldn't have been able to do what you did."
    Lina looked astonished.  "Why, that manipulative, conniving little--"
    "So, do you love Gourry?" Xelloss asked, as normally as one would ask if you wanted a cup of coffee.
    "It's a simple question, Lina."
    "I... I mean.." Lina said, twiddling her fingers.  She swallowed, and gained resolve.  "Yes.  Yes, I do."
    And.. Xelloss smiled.
    "Then I wish you all the luck in the world you have made," he said.  "Gourry's a good man.  He will stand by you, right and well.  It would have been nice, if I had... ah, but I didn't, and it wasn't intended to be, was it?  I will miss you dearly, Lina, but I'm afraid I have much, much bigger fish to fry now."
    ".....?" Lina asked, speechless.
    Xelloss straightened his robes, looking more dignified.  "I'm needed.  Another world, where the Lord is setting up a new project.  Similar, but different.  I'm going to lead Her heavenly army.  It's a different side to play on, I know, but who knows what could happen?  She appreciates my inner wildness, and thinks I'll be just right for the role.  Of course, it means leaving this world, but that's fine, after I settle affairs... such as this.  Which is now settled.  Thank you, Lina.  I have lived in very, very interesting times.  I'll go have a chat with my son, then be off."
    The trickster turned to go, taking a step.. then pausing.
    "Actually, you can give me an opinion on something," he said.  "I'm thinking of a name change with my new job.  I've always had a thing for names that begin with 'L'... what do you think of Larry?"
    Lina, a little stunned, went on instinct.  "Lacks something," she said.
    "Oh.  I'll just stick with Lucifer, then," Xelloss said.  "Ta ta."
    In a blast of shadows, he was gone.
    The reception was winding to a close.  The band had played the same number twice in a row without realizing.  Most of the guests had left; the happy couple was off for a honeymoon in Daratta, as Reason had negotiated a very fair travel package for them, if Dayvid would take a few hours to give a lecture at the university about blending magic and science.  Reportedly, the students were very interested.
    A few guests were totally drunk.  Chi'Nai was one of them.
    "These paintings are so beautiful!!" she wailed, studying the Great Hall's many portraits.  "Oh, look at these colors... and the textures, they feel so delicate to the touch... I wish I could paint like this!  I should practice!  Ne, Zelgadis-chan?"
    "Save me," Zel said weakly.
    Lina looked up from the breadstick she was toying with.  "C'mon, Zel.  She's only been open to strong emotions for a few weeks now.  Give her some time, okay?"
    "At least she's going back to the Hi'Chi'Orld soon.  Her and that weird kid, Chi'Bi," Zelgadis muttered... and turned to be surprised by a very weepy Chi'Nai.
    "You want me to leave?!" she asked, near sobbing.
    "Ah... ah, that's not what I meant..." Zel said, and had to duck to avoid a chair thrown at twenty miles an hour.
    "JERK!!" Chi'Nai shouted.  And the two were off.
    Lina just.. stared.  "Gourry, what do you think?  Second oddball couple of the night or just a disturbing display?"
    "I think... both," Gourry said.  He fidgeted in his tuxedo a little.  "Ah.. I forgot to say, Lina, but you look really swell in that dress."
    "'Swell'?" Lina asked.  "I look swell?"
    "Neat?  Pretty?"
    "We'll leave it at that last one," Lina said.  Her brain started wandering aimlessly... to avoid thinking about something.  "Jeez.  This has been the wildest ride yet, Gourry.  And it hasn't stopped getting weirder."
    "At least big gods aren't stomping around and the war's over and stuff," Gourry said.  "It actually seemed pretty easy!  All I had to do was walk around behind you and not really understand what's going on, and even after stuff started to explode, everything was great!  What a piece of cake--"
    Lina whapped him.  "It was HARD, you nitwit!  Hard!  I had to get over everybody I knew being taken away for a possible forever, then figure out how to rebuild an entire freaking world, THEN stomp the god that was keeping me from doing it and then BUILD the thing!  I think I deserve a medal for that!"
    "What about the statue to you we found in the palace courtyard--"
    "Accident," Lina said, nervously brushing by it.  "Fluke.  Must have slipped a bit when I was saving the world.  These things happen."
    "Oh, okay," Gourry said, accepting.
    A silence fell over the couple.  Except, of course, for the sounds of Zelgadis and Chi'Nai arguing somewhere in the distance.
    Lina fidgeted.
    Gourry shifted around.
    "Ah, Gourry--"
    "I was wondering... if you wanted to do something," Lina said.
    "Huh?  What do you want to do?"
    Sunset dips low, over the forest, a reddish gold that flows across the land.  But soon, a new day would dawn, the sun rising to the top of the sky once more.  Because that's what Brian was doing -- climbing all the way to the top.
    His professional name was Skeleton Badass, a criminal handle he had used a long time ago.  Of course, his entire gang of thugs had been blown up by Lina Inverse and he had run screaming back to a career in cost accountancy -- but then the Mazoku War started, and somehow the world blew up while he was busy calculating the estimated benefits of a new production technique.  Just as soon as the building tore itself apart, he was sitting back in his chair with wings, a feeling that he had just brushed with death, and a renewed interest in being something OTHER than a cost accountant.
    Since banditry was the only other thing he knew, it was a natural option.
    He got some of the boys together again, and they came up with a scheme for making flying muggings possible.  The bandit gang thrived for a little while, and Skeleton Badass felt that maybe, he had found his niche once more.  Nothing could go wrong now.  His life was set, his hidden fortress was extra tough, his men were hardy, his main gate was on fire, his...
    Wait a minute.
    The explosion knocked the flimsy walls he had put up around the camp to smithereens.  Several of the boys took off running immediately, when they got a glimpse of who did it... Skeleton Badass squinted through the smoke, to see two figures come charging through...
    Lina Inverse and Gourry Gabriev.  In formal wear, but with sword and spell drawn, and smiling.  Back to doing what they do best, together forever.
    "Not again," Brian gasped.  "Not AGAIN!!"
    Lina and Gourry finished scooping the hoard of booty they had reclaimed from the tyrannical thugs into Lina's dress, and took to the sky.  Gourry was a clumsy pilot, but a passable one.
    "Ah, that felt good," Lina smiled.  "Haven't properly trashed bad guys in awhile."
    Gourry returned the smile, happy... not just happy that Lina was happy, but genuinely back in his own groove.  "So, what now?"
    She didn't need to think much.
    "Hey, you wanna get married?" Lina asked.
    Gourry wobbled in mid air, almost losing control.  "Wh-what??!"
    "It's not like we're going to be splitting up anytime soon.  We've got a good team going here," Lina said.  "And... since we both feel that way..."
    "You want to get married RIGHT NOW?!"
    "No!" Lina said, bopping him lightly.  "Of course not right now!  Don't be silly.  Besides, there's still a bandit gang on the other side of Sailoon City I want to get a closer look at!"
    "Oh.  ...and after that?"
    "We'll see what happens," Lina shrugged.  "Details, details.  Come on, Gourry!  You fly too slow!"
    "I do not!  I just need training wings!"
    "Slowpoke, slowpoke!"
    "Cut that out!!"
    Lina laughed, and soared into the evening sky.
Story copyright 1998 Stefan Gagne, characters copyright H. Kanzaka / R. Araizumi.
A Spoof Chase Production.
(or maybe it ended THIS way!)