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"The First Reality"

"The First Reality" is more of a theory than an actual reality.

The logic goes like this: Reality Engines, products of RealWare, spawn new worlds where presumably there was NullSpace.

The first Bates had to be standing somewhere when he/she made the first Reality Engine that creates Reality Prime. Reality Prime definitely runs off an engine.

That means that somewhere out there, there has to be a reality which has no engine. A reality that simply... exists by itself. The root. The First Reality.

RealWare asserts that this is nonsense, but if you push them on where the first Reality Engine came from you'll get a lot of hand waving and mumbling. But most people either don't believe in The First Reality, or don't care; after all, there are plenty of other concerns in life. There might not even be a First Reality, since the only 'evidence' of it is in myths and fables of some far away place thousands of years ago which may or may not be the First Reality. Nippon has many traditional tales of what could be the First Reality, but who knows one way or another?

Much in the same way religion plays little part in the lives of modern folk, the First Reality remains little more than an unimportant fairy tale.