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Realities (And citizens)

Terms & Tech


(unreal estate copyright
2001 stefan gagne)
[unauthorized use is
strictly prohibited]



Grep is NOT a RealWare authorized reality. That single fact is what defines most of what Grep is. Being the home of the Open Reality Movement and its leader Xyzzy (developer of the first Open Engine), Grep is a very ecclectic territory.

The population of Grep consists of Reality Hackers or sympathizers to the cause who have gathered to form a special interest community. It's hastily assembled and vaguely urban, but there are agricultural centers and residental centers as well. (Just because you're a farmer doesn't mean you love RealWare, after all.) Because it's been slapped together by a variety of folks, the design is inconsistent; great buildings of glass and steel can be found next to wooden buildings or shantytowns. Organization is not a prime concern just yet; on the day 'Reality Comes Out of Beta' they'll worry about zoning laws.

The government is a rare form of Direct Democracy; every citizen has access to the local network and has a say in every issue up for debate. And debate they do; the most popular pasttime in Grep is debating. Shouting matches (called 'flamefests' for reasons long since lost to obscurity) are also common when two people can't agree on an issue.

RealWare is very much aware of Grep and everything it represents, and is quick to denounce it as a band of renegade misfits who are ignoring the consequences of their reckless research. Grep and similar Open Engine driven realities are not listed in Twoday's Guidebook, and are shunned by anybody who is tightly allied with RealWare... at least, shunned on the surface.