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Realities (And citizens)

Terms & Tech


(unreal estate copyright
2001 stefan gagne)
[unauthorized use is
strictly prohibited]


Note: there is an actual company called RealityPrime, providing consulting in VR and game technology. It is not associated with Stefan Gagne and Unreal Estate.

Reality Prime

Part research and development lab and part corporate paradise, Reality Prime is the home of RealWare. Although they have branch offices in every respectable reality, Reality Prime is the home office where the important stuff goes down.

It doesn't look like a soul grinding cubicle driven hellhole. Cubicles are actually banned; everybody has their own office with their own high-quality RealNet Workstation, personal beverage dispenser (armed with a variety of coffees and colas) and rollaway bed. Not that anybody LIVES in their office, not unless it's crunch time on a project... atill, you could probably live in these offices for long periods of time if you had to, since the break rooms are loaded with Ping Pong tables and video games and all manners of media streaming machines. Every building has a fully stocked cafeteria loaded with menus from Joe's, with Nippon's efficent food concepts, and even a few Grünwaldian specialties. Upper management offices are even more lavish; some resemble small palaces or pleasure domes rather than corporate boxen. Golf courses, suburban housing complexes suitable for your family's every need, shopping malls, arcades, zero poverty and unemployment...

...because anybody who DOES get fired gets booted from Reality Prime. The perks come with the job, after all.

There is no tourism beyond basic tour packages given to promising young students who may want to work here, and passport processing is extremely secure. Nobody gets in to Reality Prime without a very good reason.