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Realities (And citizens)

Terms & Tech


(unreal estate copyright
2001 stefan gagne)
[unauthorized use is
strictly prohibited]


Twoday's Guidebook

There are, at last check, hundreds of realities registered with RealWare. Some are personal havens of the rich, some are business communities, some are isolationist driven worlds onto themselves.

For the discriminating tourist who wants to visit the best and the brightest the multiverse has to offer, there is Twoday's Guidebook. Twoday is a fictional tourist represented by a friendly, somewhat goofy cartoon character. His job is to inform the population about what you can expect to find in various realities, where the best restaurants are... and what places to avoid.

Obviously, places like Antiparadisa rank pretty low. The goal here is to steer people to realities that are consumer friendly with low crime rates and high fun factor. Realities are balanced and ranked on a scale of one to five stars, and anything under two and a half is Not Recommended by Twoday.

Realities Not Recommended by Twoday tend to have very, very poor tourism. Fortunately, most of them are aforementioned havens or isolationists, and that's just fine with them. But it's not uncommon for RealWare to punish a reality that doesn't live up to its moral standards by Not Recommending them. After all, Twoday is RealWare Publishing's intellectual property. Maybe RealWare will sell an engine to some folks, but if they do things with that engine the company doesn't feel meets their corporate image, they can expect to be slapped on that quasi-blacklist faster than you can say "".