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This information is only supplementary; relevant data about the universe will be presented in-story as it arises, if you'd prefer to learn as you read. Information in this encyclopedia is subject to change without warning as the story develops.

Realities (And citizens)

Terms & Tech


(unreal estate copyright
2001 stefan gagne)
[unauthorized use is
strictly prohibited]



A multiverse-wide network of computer communication, maintained by RealWare. (Just like any other product with the 'Real-' prefix.) Content is streamed out from RealNet Nodes, which are hosted in various realities on expensive Realnet Workstations.

Just about any sort of digital information can be sent across this network, but RealWare has created a number of special purpose devices for accessing the net:

See the links for more detailed info on capabilities of these machines. Limited use devices tend to be cheaper than full-scale Workstations.

The technology that drives RealNet is shrouded in corporate intellectual property driven mystery, but the Open Reality Movement has a branch devoted to hacking the protocols and establishing renegade nodes that use alternative computing solutions. They have had success recently, and despite RealNet's best efforts to get the nodes kicked off the network, the ORM coders are always one step ahead. Renegade nodes tend to offer free content rather than pay-for-play, so the consumers happily gobble it up even if it's lower quality than polished RealNet content.