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Ping Pong

Some may see the 'sport' of bapping a hollow plastic ball back and forth a bit childish, but let's look at the facts:

  • You need to have sharp reflexes and good eyesight to know where the ball is and move to meet it.
  • It's a high speed, high intensity sport that's spectator friendly and has plenty of dramatic comebacks and lucky breaks.
  • The game can be played on damn near any oblong, flat surface if you have a cheap clip-on net and some cheap paddles.
  • Once the basic back-and-forth gets boring, you can start adding all sorts of crazy rules, conditions and additional game elements until you're playing Extreme Electrified Net Flying Razor Blade Deathmatch Ping Pong.

Ping Pong has evolved into the most popular sport in the multiverse. Betting on matches is fierce, and the top player from Nippon, Misato Kobashi, is revered as a ping pong god by many after his crushing last minute defeat of reigning champion Misawa Chono in a Two-Paddle, Four-Ball, Exploding Net Extreme Ping Pong Showdown on live Video Network stream.

Of course, most casual fans prefer one ball, two paddles, and nothing that lights on fire or shoots rockets.

It's quite popular to play Ping Pong after a dip in an Onsen.